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1. When you can measure what you are speaking about, and can express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowleage is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind: It may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science. Lord Kelvin, a physicist
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Reuse (Assume have source code, not a commercial product) Ariane 5. Therac-25. British AtC Expectation Significantly lower development costs and time. Amortize costs among all users or uses Assumptions
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Formal design Reviews Associated with each of documentation phases Evaluate with respect to Customer requirements Prescribed standards and practices Contractual requirements
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Outline: Software Design Goals History of software design ideas Design principles Design methods Life belt or leg iron?(Budgen)
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Abstract Model Specifications Build an abstract model of required software behavior using mathematically defined(perhaps using axioms )types(e. g sets, relations) Define operations by showing effects of that operation on the model Specification includes Model
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Evolutionary Model Prototyping- \Do it twice to assess feasibility to verify requirements May only be a front end or executable specification Or develop system with less functionality or quality attributes °3 approaches:
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Is there a problem? Why Hard? Syllabus EXamples AAS(FAA Advanced Automation System) FBI CIC IRS Modernization Program
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10.1数据库的建立 1.熟悉数据库环境 2.选择系统参数 3.定义数据库 4.准备和加载数据
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8.1关系模式设计中的数据语义问题 数据依赖,函数依赖,多值依赖 例 8.2函数依赖 符号:R,r,,F,x,t,tx] 定义8.2-1:设R为关系模式,X,YCU,若t,ter都有如果
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一、影响事务ACID特性的因素: 二、强行中止事务 三、并发事务的交叉执行 6.1恢复引论
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