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1、战略经营单位的含义 战略经营单位是企业值得为其专门制定一种经营战略的最小经营单位
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即经营单位战略。它是指在 总体性的公司战略指导下,经营 管理某一个特定的战略经营单位 的战略计划,是公司战略之下的 子战略
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一、阵地防御 二、侧翼防御 三、以攻为守
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一、开发新用户 二、转变未使用者进入新市场地理扩展 三、寻找新用途物多用
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Objectives Course Organization Tasks of Marketing Major Concepts Tools of Marketing Marketplace Orientations Marketing's Responses to New Challenges
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Product Characteristics Building Managing the Product Mix& Product Lines Brand decisions Packaging& Labeling
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Types of Costs Fixed Costs Variable costs (Overhead) Costs that don°t Costs that do vary vary with sales or directly with the production levels level of production
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Objectives a Retailing n Wholesaling a Market logistics
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Objectives Developing Managing an Advertising Program Deciding on Media Measuring Effectiveness Sales Promotion Public relations
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Market-Oriented Strategic Planning Objectives Resources Skills Opportunities
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