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Quasi-linear Indifference preferences curves Final budget line Original budget Pivot Substitution effect=total effect
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The Concept of Investment For a one period investment, the ROR can be evaluated each year. For investments that generate returns in many periods, there are two ways of describing the rate of return
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Structure The cost minimization problem Average costs Returns to scale and total and average costs Short run and long run costs
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Structure What causes monopoly Profit-maximizing choices of monopoly Markup pricing Taxing a monopoly Inefficiency of monopoly Natural monopoly (自然垄断)
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Contents Dominant strategy Nash equilibrium Prisoner’s dilemma and repeated games Multiple equilibria and sequential games Pure and mixed strategies
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Now Add Production ... Add input markets, output markets, describe firms’ technologies, the distributions of firms’ outputs and profits … That’s not easy!
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Structure Definition When to provide a public good – Efficient provision – Private provision: free-riding Variable quantities of public good – Efficient amount – Free-riding problem How to provide public goods? Demand revelation
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