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4.1 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain · Such transformdomain- representations provide additional insight into the behavior of such systems It is easier to design and implement these systems in the transform-domain for certain applications We consider now the use of the DtFt and the z-transform in developing the transform- domain representations of an LTI system
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1.1 Introduction Any problems about signal analyses and processing may be thought of letting signals trough systems. f(t) y(t) h(t) From f(t) and h(t), find y(t), Signal processing From f(t) and y(t), find h(t), System design From(t)andh(t), find(t), Signal reconstruction
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Introduction Ideally, the system parameters along with the signal variables have infinite precision taking any value between -oo and · In practice, they can take only discrete values within a specified range since the registers of the digital machine where they are stored are of finite length
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6.1 Introduction The convolution sum description of an LTI discrete-time system can, in principle, be used to implement the system For an IR finite-dimensional system this approach is not practical as here the impulse response is of infinite length · However, direct implementation of the IIR finite-dimensional system is practica
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3.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Definition- The discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) X(eio) of a sequence x[n] is given by jae In general,() is a complex function of the real variable and can be written as X(eio) Xre(eio) +j Xim(eio)
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第6章无限脉冲响应数字滤波器的设计 6.1数字滤波器的基本概念 6.2模拟滤波器的设计 6.3用脉冲响应不变法设计IR数字低通滤波器 6.4用双线性变换法设计IR数字低通滤波器 6.5数字高通、带通和带阻滤波器的设计 6.6IR数字滤波器的直接设计法
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第4章快速傅里叶变换(FFT) 4.1引言 4.2基2FFT算法 4.3进一步减少运算量的措施 4.4分裂基FFT算法 4.5离散哈特莱变换(DHT)
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第2章时域离散信号和系统的频域分析 2.1引言 2.2序列的傅里叶变换的定义及性质 2.3周期序列的离散傅里叶级数及傅里叶变换表示式 2.4时域离散信号的傅里叶变换与模拟 信号傅里叶变换之间的关系 2.5序列的Z变换 2.6利用Z变换分析信号和系统的频域特性
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Ⅰ、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 每题给出四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请将正确答案的标号(A或B或C或D) 写在题号前的横线上 1、积分∫es(-3)d等于 (A)0(B)1(C)e3OD)e3 2、下列等式不成立的是 (A)f0)6\(0)=f(0)6'(0 B)A06(0=f()5( (C)f)*6(0)=f(0 (D)f0)°(0)=f(0
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4.1 拉普拉斯变换 一、从傅里叶变换到拉普拉斯变换 二、收敛域 三、(单边)拉普拉斯变换 4.2 拉普拉斯变换的性质 4.3 拉普拉斯变换逆变换 4.4 复频域分析 一、微分方程的变换解 二、系统函数 三、系统的s域框图 四、电路的s域模型
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