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第七章--数据的索引及其应用 7.1索引的基础知识 7.2索引的分类 7.3索引的操作 7.4设置索引的选项 7.5索引的分析与维护 7.6案例中的索引
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第九章一存储过程与触发器 9.1存储过程的综述 9.2创建、执行、修改、删除简单存储过程 9.3创建和执行含参数的存储过程 9.4存储过程的重新编译 9.5系统存储过程和扩展存储过程 9.6案例中的存储过程 9.7触发器综述 9.8触发器的创建和执行 9.9修改和删除触发器 9.10嵌套触发器 9.11案例中的触发器
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Chapter 1 Topics Computer Programming Programming Life-Cycle Phases Creating an Algorithm Machine Language vs. High Level Languages
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Chapter 3 Topics Constants of Type int and float Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions Declaration for Numeric Types s Implicit Type Coercion and Explicit Type Conversion
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Programming in C+ Chapter 5 Topics Data Type bool Using Relational and Logical Operators to Construct and Evaluate Logical Expressions XIf-Then-Else Statements
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Chapter 7 Topics Writing a Program Using Functional Decomposition Writing a Void Function for a Task Using Function Arguments and Parameters correctly
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Chapter 9 Topics Switch Statement for Multi-way Branching Do-While Statement for Looping For Statement for Looping Using break and continue Statements
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Chapter 11 Topics o Meaning of a Structured Data Type Declaring and Using a struct Data Type & C++ union Data Type s Meaning of an Abstract Data Type Declaring and Using a class Data Type Using Separate Specification and Implementation Files
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Chapter 13 Topics Meaning of a list Insertion and Deletion of List Elements Selection sort of list elements Insertion and Deletion using a Sorted List Binary Search in a Sorted list Order of Magnitude of a Function
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计算机与外界信息交换称为通信。 通信的基本方式可分为并行通信和串行通信:并行通信是数据的各位同时发送或同时接收;串行通信是数据的各位依次逐位发送或接收
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