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The role of abstractions In this lecture, we are going to look at a very different style of creating large systems, a style called object oriented programming. This style focuses on breaking systems up in a different manner than those we have seen before To set the stage for this, we are first going to return to the notion of
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Slide 12.1.1 In the last lecture, we introduced mutation as a component of 6001s|cP our data structures We saw for example that set was a Environment mode way of changing the value associated with a variable in our system, and we saw that set-car! and set-cdr! were ways of changing the values of parts of list structure Now, several important things happened when we introduced
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 11.1 Slide ll1.1 Elements of a Data Abstraction For the past few lectures, we have been exploring the topic of data abstractions, and their role in modularizing complex
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 9.1 Slide 9.1.1 Manipulating complex numbers In the last lecture, we introduced symbols into our language
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 30.1 Slide 30l1 In this lecture, we are going to go back to several themes that 6.001: Structure and Interpretation of we have been exploring over the past few weeks, and stitch
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 6.1 Slide 6.1.1 Types When we first starting talking about Scheme expressions, you may recall we said that(almost )every Scheme expression had
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 4.1 Slide 4.1.1 Today ' s topics In this lecture, we are going to take a careful look at the kinds
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Beating the Averages Paul Graham (This article is based on a talk given at the Franz Developer in Cambridge, MA, on March 25, 2001 In the summer of 1995, my friend rt morris and i started a startup called Viaweb. Our pla to write software that would let end users build online stores. What was novel about this
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In the last lecture, we began looking at the programming This lecture nguage Scheme. with the intent of learning how that anguage would provide a basis for describing procedures and Adding procedures and procedural abstractions
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毫无疑问贸易保护对世界福利是一种损害,但如何才能消除贸易壁垒实现自由贸易 呢?我们在前一章已经指出,寄希望于各国自觉采取单边贸易自由化是行不通的,必须各国 达成共识,一起采取行动,才能最终实现自由贸易。但是根据博弈论的观点,国家数目越多, 达成合作结果就越困难,反之当国家数目较少时,就比较容易达成合作
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