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损益表和资产负债表对于辨识资源 可能会有所帮助。 即使 一有一些未知的优势无法从会计报 表上看出 一琐碎的细项太多
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In markets where quality is hard to observe, reputations last a long time If quality is important, competitive advantages tend to be long-lived
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在产品品质难以辨别的市场中,企业声誉的影响力 可持续非常久。 如果产品品质很重要的话,竞争优势也会持续非常 久
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Many markets are such that a firm needs several resources to success Resources can be brought together in several ways
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In general, you can not expect to capture any value if you do not create any Getting\paid to playis an exception, but is unlikely to yield very high profits
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More openness allows more value creation but less value capture More attractive for weaker players
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Many markets are such that a firm needs several resources to success Resources can be brought together in several ways Self-development acquire/be acquired
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Not all economic forces respect industry boundaries Cartoons for all kids or All entertainment for some kids
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「当一个有良好声誉的经理人进入一个恶 名昭彰的产业服务,通常他无法对这个产 业的名声有任何提升」 华伦巴菲特
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