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1. 古代中国人的衣食住行 Basic Necessities of Ancient Chinese 2. 古代中国的语言文字 Language and Characters of Ancient China 3. 古代中国的书法、绘画、音乐、舞蹈 Chinese Calligraphy, Painting, Music and Dance 4. 中国古代的礼仪风俗 Customs and Ceremonies of Ancient Chinese Society
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Verilog for Verification • Testbench anatomy • Behavioral modeling for Testbench • Some examples Timing specification • Delay model • Timing verification • Pipeline technology Design For Test (DFT) Test vs. Verification Build In Self Test (BIST) Scan and Boundary Scan
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Digital Signal Processing • Signal & System • DSP system • Description for DSP FIR Filter Design & Implement • Digital Filter • Specification Design • Hardware Implementation Some Examples • Digital Down Converter • Central Processing Unit
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FPGA Design Method Design flow & tools Deign Model of Verilog HDL Design style of Verilog HDL Design Examples • RTL level design • Components of Datapath • Components of Controller
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§1-1 电路和电路模型 §1-2 电路的基本物理量 §1-3 基尔霍夫定律 §1-4 电阻元件 §1-5 独立电压源和独立电流源 §1-6 两类约束和电路方程 §1-7 支路电流法和支路电压法 §1-8 电路设计,电路实验和计算机分析电路实例
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§2-1电阻分压电路和分流电路 §2-2 电阻单口网络 §2-3 电阻的星形联结与三角形联结 §2-4 简单非线性电阻电路分析 §2-5 电路设计,电路应用和电路实验实例
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课程基本信息 嵌入式系统的发展 嵌入式AI 技术的基本概念 智能系统关键技术基础 课程教学的主要内容 Intel嵌入式设计大赛的基本情况
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可穿戴计算中人机交互 基于多普勒效应的自然人机交互系统 基于WiFi信道状态信息的手势识别 往届参赛作品 脑机交互 课后作业
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§5.1 Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals §5.2 Sampling of Continuous-time Signals §5.3 Effect of Sampling in the Frequency Domain §5.4 Recovery of the Analog Signal §5.6 Sampling of Bandpass Signals §5.7 Analog Lowpass Filter Specifications §5.8 Analog Lowpass Filter Design
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§7.2 Selection of Filter Type §7.3 Digital Filter Design: Basic Approaches §7.4 IIR Digital Filter Design: Bilinear Transformation Method §7.5 Low pass FIR filter design §7.6 Fixed Window Functions §7.7 Design Steps for Windowed Low Pass FIR Filters
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