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本书系统地论述了食品化学的基本内容,在第一版基础上增加了酶的内容, 全书共分十章,包括绪论、水、糖类、脂类、蛋白质、酶、食品色素和着色剂 维生素和矿物质、风味化合物以及食品添加剂
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风味化学通常被认为是食品化学中采用气相色谱法和快速扫描质谱法而 发展起来的一门新分支。早期经典化学方法也曾较好地应用于某些风味研究, 特别是在香精油和香料提取物方面的应用 风味是指以人口腔为主的感觉器官对食品产生的综合感觉(嗅觉、味觉 视觉、触觉)。鼻腔粘膜的嗅觉细胞对痕量挥发性气体具有察觉能力,口腔中 的味蕾主要分布于舌表面的味乳头中,一小部分分布于软颚、咽喉与咽部, 使人能够察觉到甜、酸、咸和苦味
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食品化学第一版已经时过十年,许多新的研究和新的揭示,必然需要在书中 补充新的内容和适当调整结构。为此,在第一版基础上,本书增加了第六章酶, 同时还对各章内容进行了修改和补充
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蛋白质是生物体的重要组成部分,在生物体系中起着核心作用,占活细胞干 重的50%左右。虽然有关细胞的进化和生物组织信息存在于DNA中,但是,维持 细胞和生物体生命的化学和生物化学过程全部是由酶来完成。众所周知,每一种 酶在细胞中是高度专一的催化一种生物化学反应,酶是具有催化功能的蛋白质 此外,有的蛋白质,例如胶原蛋白、角蛋白和弹性蛋白等,在细胞和复杂的生物 体中作为结构单元,对于细胞的结构和功能起着重要作用
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Lyapunov analysis, which uses monotonicity of a given function of system state along trajectories of a given dynamical system, is a major tool of nonlinear system analysis It is possible, however, to use monotonicity of volumes of subsets of the state space to predict certain properties of system behavior. This lecture gives an introduction to suc methods
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where f:R\×Rn×R→ R\ and g:R\×R\×R→ R are continuous functions. Assume that f, g are continuously differentiable with respect to their first two arguments in a neigborhood of the trajectory co(t), yo(t), and that the derivative
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This lecture presents results describing the relation between existence of Lyapunov or storage functions and stability of dynamical systems 6.1 Stability of an equilibria
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In particular, when o=0, this yields the definition of a Lyapunov function Finding, for a given supply rate, a valid storage function(or at least proving that one exists)is a major challenge in constructive analysis of nonlinear systems. The most com-
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Definition A real-valued function V: X H R defined on state space X of a system with behavior set B and state r:B×[0,∞)→ X is called a Lyapunov function if tHv(t)=v(a(t))=v(a(z(), t)) is a non-increasing function of time for every z E B according to this definition, Lyapunov
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he variable t is usually referred to as the\time Note the use of an integral form in the formal definition(2.2): it assumes that the function tHa(a(t), t)is integrable on T, but does not require =a(t)to be differentiable at any particular point, which turns out to be convenient for working with discontinuous
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