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第一节 生命与死亡的基本理论 第二节 死亡的分类及诊断标准 第三节 脑死亡 第四节 死亡的发生过程与假死现象 第五节 死因分析 第六节 死亡及尸体的管理制度
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第四章 地基变形 第五章 土的抗剪强度和地基承载力 第六章 土压力及土坡稳定 第七章 地基勘察、验槽 第八章 浅基础设计
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第一章 毛泽东思想及其历史地位 第二章 新民主主义革命理论 第三章 社会主义改造理论 第四章 社会主义建设道路初步探索的理论成果 第五章 邓小平理论 第六章 “三个代表”重要思想 第七章 科学发展观 第八章 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想及其历史地位 第九章 坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的总任务 第十章 “五位一体”总体布局 第十一章 “四个全面”战略布局 第十二章 全面推进国防和军队现代化 第十三章 中国特色大国外交 第十四章 坚持和加强党的领导
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The main menu choices may include the following: Textbook Table of Contents Start here to view chapters, main headings, or related study guide sections. To view chapter, click on chapter name. First page of chapter will appear. To view e-Text under main heading, click on chapter name, then heading name. The first page of that section will appear. To view study guide, click on heading in e-Text. Related study guide heading will appear. To return to e-Text, click on study guide heading. Textbook Website
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ipids differ from the other classes of naturally occurring biomolecules (carbohy- drates, proteins, and nucleic acids)in that they are more soluble in non-to-weakly polar solvents(diethyl ether, hexane, dichloromethathan they are in water.they include a variety of structural types, a collection of which is introduced in this chapter. In spite of the number of different structural types, lipids share a common biosyn- thetic origin in that they are ultimately derived from glucose. During one stage of car- bohydrate metabolism, called glycolysis, glucose is converted to lactic acid. Pyruvic acid is an intermediate
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henols are compounds that have a hydroxyl group bonded directly to benzene or benzenoid ring. The parent compound of this group, C6H,OH, called simply phe- nol, is an important industrial chemical. Many of the properties of phenols are anal- ogous to those of alcohols, but this similarity is something of an oversimplification.Like arylamine
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itrogen-containing compounds are essential to life. Their ultimate source is atmo- spheric nitrogen which, by a process known as nitroge. nitrogen fixation, is reduce ced to ammonia, then converted to organic nitrogen compounds. This chapter describes the chemistry of amines, organic derivatives of ammonia. Alkylamines have their nitro- gen attached to sp'-hybridized carbon; arylamines have their nitrogen attached to an sp2-hybridized carbon of a benzene or benzene-like ring
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ot all the properties of alkenes are revealed by focusing exclusively on the func- tional group behavior of the double bond. A double bond can affect the proper- ties of a second functional unit to which it is directly attached. It can be a sub- stituent, for example, on a positively charged carbon in an allylic carbocation, or on a carbon that bears an unpaired electron in an allylic free radical, or it can
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W hen we discussed elimination reactions in Chapter 5, we learned that Lewis base can react with an alkyl halide to form an alkene. In the present chapter, you will find that the same kinds of reactants can also undergo a different reaction, one in which the Lewis base acts as a nucleophile to substitute for the halide substituent on carbon
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tructure* is the key to everything in chemistry. The properties of a substance depend on the atoms it contains and the way the atoms are connected. What is less 0 obvious, but very powerful, is the idea that someone who is trained in chemistry can look at a structural formula of a substance and tell you a lot about its properties
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