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Unit 10 Text B Advertising I, Teaching aims 1. Get students to master the following words and phrases Civil, device, effective, expand, highly, living, merely ,react, respond, trace, at the beginning of, be described as, be filled
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Unit Nine \\Text A I. Pre-reading Task II. Related Information Ill. Detailed Study IV. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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1. Get students to master the following words and phrases consist, contain, distribute, inform, intend, publish, range, lend typical, weekly, a number of, as well as, be devoted to, consist of, enter into, keep up with, listen to
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Going over what we ve learnt. Listen to Asking &202 the tape and read after it. Answering Doing some exercises
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Listening Practice: 1)Sound Discrimination 2)Asking for Information 3)Listening Comprehension
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辣(甜椒病毒病 Viral Diseases of Pepper and sweet Pepper 病毒病是影响我国辣(甜)椒生产的主要病害,世界分布广泛。在美国、印度、日本 意大利、加拿大、匈牙利等国家和地区,辣(甜)椒病毒病的发生常给辣(甜)椒的生产造成严 重的危害和损失
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P33 1-21一台并励直流发电机P=16kW,Ux=230V,IN=6.6A,n1600r/min电枢回路电阻 R=0.1282,励磁回路电阻R=150Q,额定效率n=85.5%试求额定工作状态下的励磁电 流、电枢电流、电枢电动势、电枢铜耗、输入功率、电磁功率
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To improve practical skills on listening& speaking
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I. Introductory Remarks Why do nations trade? They trade for many reasons. First, they trade because there are differences in natural resources in different parts of the world. The second reason is that pays to specialize, for specialization enables one country to produce some goods more cheaply than another country and brings benefits as one country shares their cheap goods with
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Unit Two Text B 1. Pre-reading Ta 1. How did the first american music begin? Why do so many people around world love American music? 3. What role does modern science play in the development of American music? 4. When and where did the word \music!\first appear in the American history?
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