机械设计(图片素材):F P2.1
机械设计(图片素材):F P3.2
机械设计(图片素材):F P3.3
机械设计(图片素材):F P3.4
机械设计(图片素材):F P5.3
机械设计(图片素材):F P5.4
机械设计(图片素材):F P6.4
机械设计(图片素材):F P8.2
机械设计(图片素材):F P9.2
机械设计(图片素材):F P9.3
机械设计(图片素材):F P9.4
机械设计(图片素材):F P9.5
机械设计(图片素材):F1.1 Design process
机械设计(图片素材):F1.2 Reliability chart
机械设计(图片素材):F1.3 (a) Spherical surfaces of two members (b) Contact stress distribution
机械设计(图片素材):F1.4 Two cylinders
机械设计(图片素材):F1.6 Stresses (a) two speres (b) two parallel cylinders
机械设计(图片素材):F2.1 Shematic representation of fatigue fracture surfaces
机械设计(图片素材):F2.10 Some cyclic stress-time relations
机械设计(图片素材):F2.11 Fatigue diagrams
机械设计(图片素材):F2.12 Soderberg and goodman diagrams
机械设计(图片素材):F2.13 Layout of camshaft and follower
机械设计(图片素材):F2.14 Diagrams of camshaft
机械设计(图片素材):F2.15 Allowable stress-cycle diagram
机械设计(图片素材):F2.16 Average S-N curves
机械设计(图片素材):F2.17 Two rotating cylinders
机械设计(图片素材):F2.18 Two rotating
机械设计(图片素材):F2.2 Effect of state of stress
机械设计(图片素材):F2.3 Bending fatigue
机械设计(图片素材):F2.4 Fully reversed rotating-beam S-N curves
机械设计(图片素材):F2.5 Fully reversed rotating beam S-N curve
机械设计(图片素材):F2.6 Fully reversed axial S-N curve
机械设计(图片素材):F2.7 Surface factors
机械设计(图片素材):F2.8 Fatigue notch sensitivity curves
机械设计(图片素材):F2.9 Fatigue notch sensitivity curves
机械设计(图片素材):F3.1 Common shaft types
机械设计(图片素材):F3.10 Flanged rigid couplings
机械设计(图片素材):F3.11 A jaw coupling showing jaws
机械设计(图片素材):F3.12 Two arrangements of a pair
机械设计(图片素材):F3.13 Winch crane
机械设计(图片素材):F3.14 Drive shaft supported in the gear box
机械设计(图片素材):F3.2 A stepped shaft
机械设计(图片素材):F3.3 Example3.1
机械设计(图片素材):F3.4 Simply supported shaft
机械设计(图片素材):F3.5 Common types of shaft keys
机械设计(图片素材):F3.6 Some types of pins
机械设计(图片素材):F3.7 Various means of securing hubs
机械设计(图片素材):F3.8 Forces on a key tightly
机械设计(图片素材):F3.9 Some common types of splines
机械设计(图片素材):F4.1 Full journal bearing
机械设计(图片素材):F4.10 An eccentric journal
机械设计(图片素材):F4.11 Velocity profile of the oil
机械设计(图片素材):F4.12 Radial pressure
机械设计(图片素材):F4.13 Chart
机械设计(图片素材):F4.14 Chart for coefficient
机械设计(图片素材):F4.15 Chart for film maximum pressure
机械设计(图片素材):F4.16 Common methods used for oil distribution
机械设计(图片素材):F4.17 Babbitt metal
机械设计(图片素材):F4.18 Various rolling-element bearings
机械设计(图片素材):F4.19 Ball
机械设计(图片素材):F4.2 The change in the coefficient
机械设计(图片素材):F4.20 Some types of ball bearings
机械设计(图片素材):F4.21 Some types of roller bearings
机械设计(图片素材):F4.22 Special bearings
机械设计(图片素材):F4.24 Reliability factor k
机械设计(图片素材):F4.25 Flanged ball]
机械设计(图片素材):F4.26 A common bearing mounting
机械设计(图片素材):F4.27 An alternative bearing mounting
机械设计(图片素材):F4.28 Mounting arrangements of angular ball bearings
机械设计(图片素材):F4.3 Schematic representation
机械设计(图片素材):F4.4 Laminar flow
机械设计(图片素材):F4.5 Saybolt universal viscosimeter
机械设计(图片素材):F4.6 Variation in viscosity
机械设计(图片素材):F4.7 Viscosity vs
机械设计(图片素材):F4.8 Journal-centered bearing
机械设计(图片素材):F5.1 A variety of gears
机械设计(图片素材):F5.10 Beam strength of a gear tooth
机械设计(图片素材):F5.11 Dynamic factor k
机械设计(图片素材):F5.12 Geometry factors for spur gears
机械设计(图片素材):F5.13 Example5.2
机械设计(图片素材):F5.14 Radii of curvatrure
机械设计(图片素材):F5.15 Life factor for steel gears
机械设计(图片素材):F5.16 The generating action of a cutting tool
机械设计(图片素材):F5.17 Gearbox of the winch crane
机械设计(图片素材):F5.2 Spur gears
机械设计(图片素材):F5.3 Gearsets
机械设计(图片素材):F5.4 Nomenclature of the spur gear teeth
机械设计(图片素材):F5.5 Development of the involute curve
机械设计(图片素材):F5.6 Involuter gear teeth
机械设计(图片素材):F5.7 Actual size gear teeth of various diametral pitches
机械设计(图片素材):F5.8 Eample5.1
机械设计(图片素材):F5.9 Gear tooth force F
机械设计(图片素材):F6.1 Helical gears
机械设计(图片素材):F6.10 Notation for bevel gears
机械设计(图片素材):F6.11 Forces at midpoint of bevel-gear tooth
机械设计(图片素材):F6.12 Geometry factors J
机械设计(图片素材):F6.13 Geometry factors I
机械设计(图片素材):F6.14 A single-enveloping wormset
机械设计(图片素材):F6.15 Notion for a worm gearset
机械设计(图片素材):F6.16 Heat transfer coefficient C
机械设计(图片素材):F6.17 Worm gear speed reducer
机械设计(图片素材):F6.18 Example6.2
机械设计(图片素材):F6.2 A typical herringbone gearset
机械设计(图片素材):F6.3 Direction,rotation
机械设计(图片素材):F6.4 Portion of a helical rack
机械设计(图片素材):F6.5 Components of tooth force
机械设计(图片素材):F6.6 Helical gears
机械设计(图片素材):F6.7 Example6.1
机械设计(图片素材):F6.8 Schematic arrangement
机械设计(图片素材):F6.9 Bevel gears
机械设计(图片素材):F7.1 Standard cross sections
机械设计(图片素材):F7.10 Portion of a roller chain
机械设计(图片素材):F7.11 A roller chain and sprocket engagement
机械设计(图片素材):F7.12 Portion of an inverted tooth
机械设计(图片素材):F7.13 An internal expanding centrifugal-acting drum clutch
机械设计(图片素材):F7.14 Basic disk clutch
机械设计(图片素材):F7.15 Half-section view of a multiple-disk clutch
机械设计(图片素材):F7.16 Caliper-disk brake
机械设计(图片素材):F7.17 Cone clutch
机械设计(图片素材):F7.2 Multiple V-belt drive
机械设计(图片素材):F7.3 Toothed or timing-belt dirve for precise speed ratio
机械设计(图片素材):F7.4 Timing-belt drive nomenclature
机械设计(图片素材):F7.5 Belt drive
机械设计(图片素材):F7.6 Weighed idler used to maintain slack-side tension
机械设计(图片素材):F7.7 V belt in a sheave groove
机械设计(图片素材):F7.8 Forces in moving V belt
机械设计(图片素材):F7.9 A compact hight- speed cutting machine
机械设计(图片素材):F8.1 A collection of wire springs
机械设计(图片素材):F8.10 Compression spring for feed mechanism
机械设计(图片素材):F8.11 Fatigue loading
机械设计(图片素材):F8.12 Helical torsion spring
机械设计(图片素材):F8.13 Spiral torsion spring
机械设计(图片素材):F8.2 Helical springs
机械设计(图片素材):F8.3 Stress correction factors for curvature
机械设计(图片素材):F8.4 Conical-helical compression spring
机械设计(图片素材):F8.5 Yield strength in shear of spring wire
机械设计(图片素材):F8.6 Common types of ends for helical compression springs
机械设计(图片素材):F8.7 Deflections of a helical compression spring
机械设计(图片素材):F8.8 Bending and moment resultants
机械设计(图片素材):F8.9 Buckling conditionsfor helical springs
机械设计(图片素材):F9.1 An assortment of threaded fasteners
机械设计(图片素材):F9.10 Hook for the winch crane of Figure3.13
机械设计(图片素材):F9.11 A bolted connection
机械设计(图片素材):F9.12 A method for estimating the effective cross-sectional area of clamped parts A
机械设计(图片素材):F9.13 Example9.1
机械设计(图片素材):F9.14 Example9.2
机械设计(图片素材):F9.15 SRiveted commection loadecd in shear
机械设计(图片素材):F9.16 Types of riveted connections
机械设计(图片素材):F9.17 Bolted joint with eccentric load
机械设计(图片素材):F9.18 Example9.3
机械设计(图片素材):F9.19 Butt weld
机械设计(图片素材):F9.2 Hexagonal bolt and nut illustrate the terminology
机械设计(图片素材):F9.20 Fillet weld
机械设计(图片素材):F9.3 Unified and ISO thread forms
机械设计(图片素材):F9.4 Typical power screw thread forms
机械设计(图片素材):F9.5 Worm-gear screw jack
机械设计(图片素材):F9.6 Schematic representation
机械设计(图片素材):F9.7 Forces acting
机械设计(图片素材):F9.8 The efficiency of Acme screw threads
机械设计(图片素材):F9.9 Typical threaded fasteners
机械设计(图片素材):FC.1 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kt for a shaft with a shoulder fillet in axial tension
机械设计(图片素材):FC.2 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kt for a shaft with a shoulder fillet in torsion
机械设计(图片素材):FC.3 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a shaft with a shoulder fillet in bending
机械设计(图片素材):FC.4 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a grooved shaft in axial tension
机械设计(图片素材):FC.5 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a grooved shaft in torsion
机械设计(图片素材):FC.6 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a grooved shaft in bending
机械设计(图片素材):FC.7 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a shaft with a transverse hole in axial tension, bending, and torsion
F P2.1.jpg(4214)
F P3.2.jpg(7866)
F P3.3.jpg(7518)
F P3.4.jpg(5747)
F P5.3.jpg(8888)
F P5.4.jpg(11549)
F P6.4.jpg(8892)
F P8.2.jpg(8299)
F P9.2.jpg(6956)
F P9.3.jpg(8598)
F P9.4.jpg(7751)
F P9.5.jpg(8738)
F1.1 Design process.jpg(10467)
F1.2 Reliability chart.jpg(51667)
F1.3 (a) Spherical surfaces of two members (b) Contact stress distribution.jpg(12846)
F1.4 Two cylinders.jpg(7703)
F1.6 Stresses (a) two speres (b) two parallel cylinders.jpg(20957)
F2.1 Shematic representation of fatigue fracture surfaces.jpg(12898)
F2.10 Some cyclic stress-time relations.jpg(13589)
F2.11 Fatigue diagrams.jpg(18854)
F2.12 Soderberg and goodman diagrams.jpg(17290)
F2.13 Layout of camshaft and follower.jpg(17845)
F2.14 Diagrams of camshaft.jpg(11905)
F2.15 Allowable stress-cycle diagram.jpg(21003)
F2.16 Average S-N curves.jpg(22830)
F2.17 Two rotating cylinders.jpg(7334)
F2.18 Two rotating.jpg(9682)
F2.2 Effect of state of stress.jpg(62823)
F2.3 Bending fatigue.jpg(24031)
F2.4 Fully reversed rotating-beam S-N curves.jpg(17931)
F2.5 Fully reversed rotating beam S-N curve.jpg(14905)
F2.6 Fully reversed axial S-N curve.jpg(21191)
F2.7 Surface factors.jpg(27359)
F2.8 Fatigue notch sensitivity curves.jpg(19278)
F2.9 Fatigue notch sensitivity curves.jpg(19108)
F3.1 Common shaft types.jpg(10539)
F3.10 Flanged rigid couplings.jpg(24140)
F3.11 A jaw coupling showing jaws.jpg(24080)
F3.12 Two arrangements of a pair.jpg(14272)
F3.13 Winch crane.jpg(43119)
F3.14 Drive shaft supported in the gear box.jpg(28722)
F3.2 A stepped shaft.jpg(11109)
F3.3 Example3.1.jpg(26742)
F3.4 Simply supported shaft.jpg(5841)
F3.5 Common types of shaft keys.jpg(28595)
F3.6 Some types of pins.jpg(9526)
F3.7 Various means of securing hubs.jpg(16854)
F3.8 Forces on a key tightly.jpg(4243)
F3.9 Some common types of splines.jpg(12154)
F4.1 Full journal bearing.jpg(16307)
F4.10 An eccentric journal.jpg(12653)
F4.11 Velocity profile of the oil.jpg(6648)
F4.12 Radial pressure.jpg(13986)
F4.13 Chart.jpg(44576)
F4.14 Chart for coefficient.jpg(30175)
F4.15 Chart for film maximum pressure.jpg(33089)
F4.16 Common methods used for oil distribution.jpg(21134)
F4.17 Babbitt metal.jpg(7628)
F4.18 Various rolling-element bearings.jpg(52726)
F4.19 Ball.jpg(20896)
F4.2 The change in the coefficient.jpg(10392)
F4.20 Some types of ball bearings.jpg(18467)
F4.21 Some types of roller bearings.jpg(16098)
F4.22 Special bearings.jpg(18576)
F4.24 Reliability factor k.jpg(13086)
F4.25 Flanged ball].jpg(4413)
F4.26 A common bearing mounting.jpg(10316)
F4.27 An alternative bearing mounting.jpg(8484)
F4.28 Mounting arrangements of angular ball bearings.jpg(13574)
F4.3 Schematic representation.jpg(11258)
F4.4 Laminar flow.jpg(9237)
F4.5 Saybolt universal viscosimeter.jpg(8671)
F4.6 Variation in viscosity.jpg(15555)
F4.7 Viscosity vs.jpg(72317)
F4.8 Journal-centered bearing.jpg(6871)
F5.1 A variety of gears.jpg(34416)
F5.10 Beam strength of a gear tooth.jpg(12423)
F5.11 Dynamic factor k.jpg(20037)
F5.12 Geometry factors for spur gears.jpg(48076)
F5.13 Example5.2.jpg(9840)
F5.14 Radii of curvatrure.jpg(12944)
F5.15 Life factor for steel gears.jpg(13357)
F5.16 The generating action of a cutting tool.jpg(10637)
F5.17 Gearbox of the winch crane.jpg(31223)
F5.2 Spur gears.jpg(16475)
F5.3 Gearsets.jpg(17481)
F5.4 Nomenclature of the spur gear teeth.jpg(22109)
F5.5 Development of the involute curve.jpg(5448)
F5.6 Involuter gear teeth.jpg(32856)
F5.7 Actual size gear teeth of various diametral pitches.jpg(24844)
F5.8 Eample5.1.jpg(6218)
F5.9 Gear tooth force F.jpg(9453)
F6.1 Helical gears.jpg(35687)
F6.10 Notation for bevel gears.jpg(19322)
F6.11 Forces at midpoint of bevel-gear tooth.jpg(13038)
F6.12 Geometry factors J.jpg(22261)
F6.13 Geometry factors I.jpg(19426)
F6.14 A single-enveloping wormset.jpg(45002)
F6.15 Notion for a worm gearset.jpg(18706)
F6.16 Heat transfer coefficient C.jpg(14663)
F6.17 Worm gear speed reducer.jpg(54666)
F6.18 Example6.2.jpg(8761)
F6.2 A typical herringbone gearset.jpg(41955)
F6.3 Direction,rotation.jpg(10500)
F6.4 Portion of a helical rack.jpg(31282)
F6.5 Components of tooth force.jpg(14141)
F6.6 Helical gears.jpg(28085)
F6.7 Example6.1.jpg(12112)
F6.8 Schematic arrangement.jpg(13971)
F6.9 Bevel gears.jpg(66426)
F7.1 Standard cross sections.jpg(9662)
F7.10 Portion of a roller chain.jpg(22563)
F7.11 A roller chain and sprocket engagement.jpg(11778)
F7.12 Portion of an inverted tooth.jpg(12063)
F7.13 An internal expanding centrifugal-acting drum clutch.jpg(37383)
F7.14 Basic disk clutch.jpg(16062)
F7.15 Half-section view of a multiple-disk clutch.jpg(25196)
F7.16 Caliper-disk brake.jpg(82423)
F7.17 Cone clutch.jpg(16434)
F7.2 Multiple V-belt drive.jpg(60277)
F7.3 Toothed or timing-belt dirve for precise speed ratio.jpg(8838)
F7.4 Timing-belt drive nomenclature.jpg(17877)
F7.5 Belt drive.jpg(15309)
F7.6 Weighed idler used to maintain slack-side tension.jpg(14332)
F7.7 V belt in a sheave groove.jpg(6018)
F7.8 Forces in moving V belt.jpg(12726)
F7.9 A compact hight- speed cutting machine.jpg(37901)
F8.1 A collection of wire springs.jpg(87467)
F8.10 Compression spring for feed mechanism.jpg(4013)
F8.11 Fatigue loading.jpg(14429)
F8.12 Helical torsion spring.jpg(6647)
F8.13 Spiral torsion spring.jpg(5718)
F8.2 Helical springs.jpg(22496)
F8.3 Stress correction factors for curvature.jpg(12929)
F8.4 Conical-helical compression spring.jpg(3915)
F8.5 Yield strength in shear of spring wire.jpg(19938)
F8.6 Common types of ends for helical compression springs.jpg(20908)
F8.7 Deflections of a helical compression spring.jpg(10455)
F8.8 Bending and moment resultants.jpg(8439)
F8.9 Buckling conditionsfor helical springs.jpg(18019)
F9.1 An assortment of threaded fasteners.jpg(48467)
F9.10 Hook for the winch crane of Figure3.13.jpg(17176)
F9.11 A bolted connection.jpg(15888)
F9.12 A method for estimating the effective cross-sectional area of clamped parts A.jpg(8477)
F9.13 Example9.1.jpg(9416)
F9.14 Example9.2.jpg(28725)
F9.15 SRiveted commection loadecd in shear.jpg(6646)
F9.16 Types of riveted connections.jpg(19877)
F9.17 Bolted joint with eccentric load.jpg(15988)
F9.18 Example9.3.jpg(19021)
F9.19 Butt weld.jpg(7657)
F9.2 Hexagonal bolt and nut illustrate the terminology.jpg(20859)
F9.20 Fillet weld.jpg(12836)
F9.3 Unified and ISO thread forms.jpg(9208)
F9.4 Typical power screw thread forms.jpg(11794)
F9.5 Worm-gear screw jack.jpg(60499)
F9.6 Schematic representation.jpg(14137)
F9.7 Forces acting.jpg(13461)
F9.8 The efficiency of Acme screw threads.jpg(20808)
F9.9 Typical threaded fasteners.jpg(20852)
FC.1 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kt for a shaft with a shoulder fillet in axial tension.jpg(16126)
FC.2 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kt for a shaft with a shoulder fillet in torsion.jpg(15147)
FC.3 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a shaft with a shoulder fillet in bending.jpg(19968)
FC.4 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a grooved shaft in axial tension.jpg(17910)
FC.5 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a grooved shaft in torsion.jpg(15399)
FC.6 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a grooved shaft in bending.jpg(18988)
FC.7 Theoretical stress-concentration factor kt for a shaft with a transverse hole in axial tension, bending, and torsion.jpg(25384)
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