网络命令实验 netstat,查看本机网络连接情况 ipconfig /renew ELM ipconfig /re lease *Con* 'Local Area connection Docunents and Settings \fa>netstat 84.222.broad. lz. gx dynanic. 163dat 30968 ESTABLISHED arpa:httpEstaBlisHed TABLISHED arpa: ftp SYN_SENT NDocunents and Settings \ fa> ping与其它主机的连接 Docunents and Settings \fa>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out Request timed out Request timed out t timed out Ping statistics for Packets: Sent =4, Received =0, Lost =4(100 loss) netshare查看本机共享资源
网络命令实验 一:netstat,查看本机网络连接情况 二:ping 与其它主机的连接 三:netshare 查看本机共享资源
DOcuments and Settings \fa>net share 共享名资源 注释 IPCS 远程IP F:\ ADMINS \WINDOWS 命令成功完成。 四 nslookup查看某网站IP地址等 C:\DocunentsandSettings\ ddress: lon-authoritative answer: Name: Www. yahoo-ht3. akadns. net Address: 五 : ipconfig/a本机全部信息 G: \Documents and Settings \fa>ipconfig /all Host Name Unknown DNS SuF£ ix Search List Ethernet adapter本地连接 Connection-specific DNS Suffix i]t主on Attansic L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100 g-17-31-52-BC-5C DHCP Server DNS Servers Lease obtained 年6月24日8:14 Lease Expires :2687年6月24日18:14:3 六:arp-a显示物理地址P地址
四:nslookup 查看某网站 IP 地址等 五:ipconfig /all 本机全部信息 六:arp –a 显示物理地址,IP 地址
DOcuments and Settings \f a>arp -a Interface: Internet Address Physical Address 192.1681.1 -14-78-65-1b-16 ynamiC 制作人:刘小燕(06053028)
] 制作人:刘小燕(06053028)