Recommending Scientific Literatures in a Collaborative Tagging Environment* Ping Yin, Ming Zhang and Xiaoming li School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science Peking University, Beijing, China pkufrankyegmail. com, mzhangenet. pku. edu. cn, lxm@pku. Abstract. Recently, collaborative tagging has become popular in the web2.0 orld. Tags can be helpful if used for the recommendation since they reflect haracteristic content features of the resources. However there are few re- searches which introduce tags into the recommendation. This paper proposes a tag-based recommendation framework for scientific literatures which models the user interests with tags and literature keywords. A hybrid recommendation orithm is then applied which is similar to the user-user collaborative filtering algorithm except that the user similarity is measured based on the vector model of user keywords other than the rating matrix, and that the rating is not from the user but represented as user-item similarity computed with the dot-product based similarity instead of the cosine-based similarity. Experiments show that our tag-based algorithm is better than the baseline algorithm and the extension of user model and dot-product-based similarity computation are also helpful 1 Introduction Collaborative recommendation and content-based recommendation are widely used in recommendation systems. Due to advantages and flaws of both technologies, it's a hot research to combine them to achieve better results [1, 2 In recent years, collaborative tagging [3] becomes more and more popular. Tags can reflect both users opinion and content features of resources. The utilization of the tag content for recommendation is worthy of a further research This paper focuses on scientific literature recommendation in a collaborative e envI- onment, considering both collaborative tags and content information. There is much work related to ours. Digital libraries such as ACM list similar pa pers in the form of text search. Cite Seer provides content-based and citation-based recommendations. McNee etc. generate recommendations by mapping the web of citations between papers into the C user-item rating matrix [4, 5 The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the ke teps for scientific literature recommendation in a collaborative tagging environment Section 3 experimentally evaluates the algorithm. Section 4 summarizes this paper This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No abs China under""On line course organ 2http:/ D. H.-L. Goh et al.(Eds ) ICADL 2007, LNCS 4822, Pp. 478-481, 2007. o Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 200
D.H.-L. Goh et al. (Eds.): ICADL 2007, LNCS 4822, pp. 478–481, 2007. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007 Recommending Scientific Literatures in a Collaborative Tagging Environment* Ping Yin, Ming Zhang, and Xiaoming Li School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science Peking University, Beijing, China,, Abstract. Recently, collaborative tagging has become popular in the web2.0 world. Tags can be helpful if used for the recommendation since they reflect characteristic content features of the resources. However, there are few researches which introduce tags into the recommendation. This paper proposes a tag-based recommendation framework for scientific literatures which models the user interests with tags and literature keywords. A hybrid recommendation algorithm is then applied which is similar to the user-user collaborative filtering algorithm except that the user similarity is measured based on the vector model of user keywords other than the rating matrix, and that the rating is not from the user but represented as user-item similarity computed with the dot-productbased similarity instead of the cosine-based similarity. Experiments show that our tag-based algorithm is better than the baseline algorithm and the extension of user model and dot-product-based similarity computation are also helpful. 1 Introduction Collaborative recommendation and content-based recommendation are widely used in recommendation systems. Due to advantages and flaws of both technologies, it’s a hot research to combine them to achieve better results [1, 2]. In recent years, collaborative tagging [3] becomes more and more popular. Tags can reflect both user’s opinion and content features of resources. The utilization of the tag content for recommendation is worthy of a further research. This paper focuses on scientific literature recommendation in a collaborative environment, considering both collaborative tags and content information. There is much work related to ours. Digital libraries such as ACM1 list similar papers in the form of text search. CiteSeer2 provides content-based and citation-based recommendations. McNee etc. generate recommendations by mapping the web of citations between papers into the CF user-item rating matrix [4, 5]. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the key steps for scientific literature recommendation in a collaborative tagging environment. Section 3 experimentally evaluates the algorithm. Section 4 summarizes this paper. * This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 90412010, HP Labs China under “On line course organization”. 1 2
Recommending Scientific Literatures in a Collaborative Tagging environment 2 Recommending scientific Literatures in a Collaborative Tagging environment This paper proposes a hybrid recommendation algorithm similar to the user-user CF algorithm for a collaborative tagging environment. The difference lies in the user interest modeling, the user similarity computation and the user rating simulation. 2.1 The Representation of User Interest and Literature The user's interest keywords have three sources: the user tags of literatures, keywords of the tagged literatures and their citations. To distinguish the importance of these three sources, different weights are assigned to them respectively. Then, the keywords frequencies are used to form an m-dimension user interest vector as follows Here u, denotes the weighted word frequency of the ith keyword Similarly, the model of a single literature consists of its keywords, keywords of its citations and all users' tags on it D= Here d, denotes the relative weighted frequency of the ith keyword summed to one 2.2 The Computation of User Interest Degree The user rating is simulated by user interest degree which is not directly from the user, but measured by similarity between vectors of the user interest and the literature. The formula for interest degree is as follows, where dot-product-based similarity is used instead of cosine similarity since the length of user interest vector is meaningful 2.3 The Computation of User Similarity and Prediction Once the set of most similar users is isolated with the correlation-based similarity [6]. the adjusted weighted sum approach is used to obtain prediction [7] Formally, we can denote the prediction Paas P=R+ (4) Here NSet denotes the nearest neighbor set, sim(u, n)denotes similarity between user u and n. R denotes user ns rate on item i, r denote the average rating of user u
Recommending Scientific Literatures in a Collaborative Tagging Environment 479 2 Recommending Scientific Literatures in a Collaborative Tagging Environment This paper proposes a hybrid recommendation algorithm similar to the user-user CF algorithm for a collaborative tagging environment. The difference lies in the user interest modeling, the user similarity computation and the user rating simulation. 2.1 The Representation of User Interest and Literature The user’s interest keywords have three sources: the user tags of literatures, keywords of the tagged literatures and their citations. To distinguish the importance of these three sources, different weights are assigned to them respectively. Then, the keywords frequencies are used to form an m-dimension user interest vector as follows. 1,..., Uuu = m (1) Here i u denotes the weighted word frequency of the ith keyword. Similarly, the model of a single literature consists of its keywords, keywords of its citations and all users’ tags on it. 1,..., Dd d = m (2) Here i d denotes the relative weighted frequency of the ith keyword summed to one. 2.2 The Computation of User Interest Degree The user rating is simulated by user interest degree which is not directly from the user, but measured by similarity between vectors of the user interest and the literature. The formula for interest degree is as follows, where dot-product-based similarity is used instead of cosine similarity since the length of user interest vector is meaningful. 1 (,) m i i i R U D ud = = ∑ (3) 2.3 The Computation of User Similarity and Prediction Once the set of most similar users is isolated with the correlation-based similarity [6], the adjusted weighted sum approach is used to obtain prediction [7]. Formally, we can denote the prediction Pui as (,) ( ) (,) ni n n NSet ui u n NSet sim u n R R P R sim u n ∈ ∈ × − = + ∑ ∑ (4) Here NSet denotes the nearest neighbor set, ( , ) sim u n denotes similarity between user u and n. Rni denotes user n’s rate on item i, Ru denote the average rating of user u
480 P. Yin, M. Zhang, and x li 3 Experimental Evaluation The dataset is adapted from citeulike including ten thousands literatures with tags We use the 4-fold cross validation and the"All but one"scheme [5]. One literature is removed randomly from the tagged literatures of each user in the test dataset, and then the modified test dataset is merged into the training dataset. Then a top-10 rec- ommendation is run on the whole dataset The hit percentage [5] is used to express this expectation that the removed litera- ture can hit-percentage=hitcount/testset Here hitcount denotes the number of successful recommendations and itestsetl denotes the size of the testset. that is the number of recommendations made Tag-0I TTD-T TTD-TK TTD-TKK TTC-TKK Fig 1 Comparison of different algorithms for top-10 recommendation All the algorithms which are used in the experiment are list below and figure 1 gives the result of all algorithms. Tag-01: The baseline experiment which uses the user-user collaborative filtering Igorithm. The rate is 0 or 1 according to whether the user has tagged the item. Tag-text-dotproduct-T(TTD-T): User model and literature model are both repre sented as tag frequency vector Dot-product-based similarity is used for the computa tion of user interest degree Tag-text-dotproduct-TK(TTD-TK): Almost the same with TTD-T except extend- ing the user and literature model by literature keyword Tag-text-dotproduct-TKK(TTD-TKK: Almost the same with TTD-T except ex ending the user and literature model by keywords of the literature and the literatures s
480 P. Yin, M. Zhang, and X. Li 3 Experimental Evaluation The dataset is adapted from citeulike3 including ten thousands literatures with tags. We use the 4-fold cross validation and the “All but one” scheme [5]. One literature is removed randomly from the tagged literatures of each user in the test dataset, and then the modified test dataset is merged into the training dataset. Then a top-10 recommendation is run on the whole dataset. The hit percentage [5] is used to express this expectation that the removed literature can be recommended. hit percentage hitcount testset − = / (5) Here hitcount denotes the number of successful recommendations and |testset| denotes the size of the testset, that is, the number of recommendations made. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Tag-01 TTD-T TTD-TK TTD-TKK TTC-TKK h i t - p e r c e n t a g e Fig. 1. Comparison of different algorithms for top-10 recommendation All the algorithms which are used in the experiment are list below and figure 1 gives the result of all algorithms. Tag-01: The baseline experiment which uses the user-user collaborative filtering algorithm. The rate is 0 or 1 according to whether the user has tagged the item. Tag-text-dotproduct-T (TTD-T): User model and literature model are both represented as tag frequency vector. Dot-product-based similarity is used for the computation of user interest degree. Tag-text-dotproduct-TK (TTD-TK): Almost the same with TTD-T except extending the user and literature model by literature keywords. Tag-text-dotproduct-TKK (TTD-TKK): Almost the same with TTD-T except extending the user and literature model by keywords of the literature and the literature’s citations. 3
Recommending Scientific Literatures in a Collaborative Tagging Environment Tag-text-cosine-TKKTTC-TKK): Almost the same with TTD-TKK except that cosine-based similarity is used instead of dot-product-based similarity 4 Conclusions and Acknowledgment As the experiment shows, our tag-based algorithm is better than the baseline algo- rithm. The extension of user model with literature keywords and dot-product-based hilarity computation also help to achieve better results. The prototype is now avail- able under PKUSpace"[8] This work is partially supported by NSCF Grant(60573166) as well as Network Key lab Grant of Guang Dong Province References 1. Burke, R: Hybrid Recommender Systems: Survey and Experiments. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 12(4), 331-370(2002) 2. Balabanovic, M., Shoham, Y. Fab: Content-Based, Collaborative Recommendation. Com- munications of the ACM 40(3), 66-72(1997) 3. Golder, S.A., Huberman, B.A. Usage Patterns of Collaborative Tagging systems. Journal of Information Science 32(2), 198-208(2006) 4. Torres, R. McNee, S.M., Abel, M., Konstan, J.A., Riedl, J. Enhancing Digital Libraries ith TechLens+ In: Proc. of the 2004 Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries p.228-2362004) 5. McNee, S.M., Albert, I, Cosley, D, Gopalkrishnan, P, Lam, S.K., Rashid, A M, Konstan, JA, Riedl, J. On the Recommending of Citations for Research Papers. In: CSCW 2002 Proceedings of the 2002 6. Sarwa, B M, Karypis, G, Konstan, J, Riedl, J: Analysis of Recommendation Algorithms for E-commerce [R]. In: ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, pp. 158-167(2000) 7. Pan, H.Y., Lin, H F, Zhao, J. Collaborative Filtering Algorithm Based on Matrix Partition and Interest Variance. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Informa tion25(1),49-54(2006) 8. Zhang, M, Yang, D Q, Deng, Z H, Feng, Y, Wang, wQ, Zhao, P.X., Wu, S, Wang SA Tang, s.W.: PKUSpace: A Collaborative Platform for Scientific Researching. In: Liu, w, Shi, Y, Li, Q.(eds )ICWL 2004. LNCS, vol 3143, pp. 120-127. Springer, Heidelberg (2004)
Recommending Scientific Literatures in a Collaborative Tagging Environment 481 Tag-text-cosine-TKK (TTC-TKK): Almost the same with TTD-TKK except that cosine-based similarity is used instead of dot-product-based similarity. 4 Conclusions and Acknowledgments As the experiment shows, our tag-based algorithm is better than the baseline algorithm. The extension of user model with literature keywords and dot-product-based similarity computation also help to achieve better results. The prototype is now available under PKUSpace4 [8]. This work is partially supported by NSCF Grant (60573166) as well as Network Key Lab Grant of Guang Dong Province. References 1. Burke, R.: Hybrid Recommender Systems: Survey and Experiments. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 12(4), 331–370 (2002) 2. Balabanovic, M., Shoham, Y.: Fab: Content-Based, Collaborative Recommendation. Communications of the ACM 40(3), 66–72 (1997) 3. Golder, S.A., Huberman, B.A.: Usage Patterns of Collaborative Tagging systems. Journal of Information Science 32(2), 198–208 (2006) 4. Torres, R., McNee, S.M., Abel, M., Konstan, J.A., Riedl, J.: Enhancing Digital Libraries with TechLens+. In: Proc. of the 2004 Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 228–236 (2004) 5. McNee, S.M., Albert, I., Cosley, D., Gopalkrishnan, P., Lam, S.K., Rashid, A.M., Konstan, J.A., Riedl, J.: On the Recommending of Citations for Research Papers. In: CSCW 2002: Proceedings of the 2002 6. Sarwa, B.M., Karypis, G., Konstan, J., Riedl, J.: Analysis of Recommendation Algorithms for E-commerce [R]. In: ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, pp. 158–167 (2000) 7. Pan, H.Y., Lin, H.F., Zhao, J.: Collaborative Filtering Algorithm Based on Matrix Partition and Interest Variance. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information 25(1), 49–54 (2006) 8. Zhang, M., Yang, D.Q., Deng, Z.H., Feng, Y., Wang, W.Q., Zhao, P.X., Wu, S., Wang, S.A., Tang, S.W.: PKUSpace: A Collaborative Platform for Scientific Researching. In: Liu, W., Shi, Y., Li, Q. (eds.) ICWL 2004. LNCS, vol. 3143, pp. 120–127. Springer, Heidelberg (2004) 4