上降文通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Pre-Socrates:Parmenides Wu Shiyu http://sla.sjtu.edu.cn/bbs n SHANG 1日gG
Pre-Socrates: Parmenides Wu Shiyu http://sla.sjtu.edu.cn/bbs
上游充通大学 回顾 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY The Milesian School(contribution to philosophy) Being (the arche),Becoming,logos Heraclitus (flowing,contradictory,relative)
回顾 The Milesian School (contribution to philosophy) Being (the archê), Becoming, logos Heraclitus (flowing, contradictory, relative)
上游充通大兽 4.More fragments SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY "The road up and the road down,are one and the same.“ “The same thing is both living and dead.” ©"Changing,it rests.“ 圈“S”is both“p”and not“p”. Heraclitus contradicts himself. ④Sounds irrational
4. More fragments "The road up and the road down, are one and the same.“ “The same thing is both living and dead.” "Changing, it rests.“ “S” is both “p” and not “p”. Heraclitus contradicts himself. Sounds irrational
上游充通大学 前苏格拉底派(下篇) SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Parmenides:The Champion of Being (巴门尼德)
前苏格拉底派 (下篇) Parmenides: The Champion of Being (巴门尼德)
上游文通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY armenides (515BC-?)
(515 BC-?)
上游充通大兽 1.Parmenides SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Born in about 515 BC Elea,southern coast of Italy A poem in fragmentary form On Nature Founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy Parmenides
1. Parmenides Born in about 515 BC Elea, southern coast of Italy A poem in fragmentary form On Nature Founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy Parmenides
上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY xovnoc NTYPEZ ETPOYEKO 人RA1o1 BYSEINOE Ewvon Mcbopoplo Eunbotou Andovia ⊙P不EE HgaxAcio Koun Enlsopvoc BROvTIOVseXohkntiv -AB6nPRAivocKonoc nooeiGwvige Anokwvlo-OMYDogoook dpyoxoc Tapinvio Exco Meranoyov norcine霜9 Adudoc EuBapic Kepcupa AudpoKio uxole E2DE。w2xaao心 Asucec Aorpol Nayisoc M14A 4 A AE A Anol.wvic ·wyikes anoacicc Kuphn awpiKe<noIKlEC E0 coneaigcc·己6pKdo AI BY H AI「YTOE 0 EAAHNIKOZ KOEMOE TOH 8-6 n.X.AIOHA
上降充通大学 2.Parmenides'On Nature SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Three Parts A poem which introduced the entire work, A section "The Way of Truth"(aletheia A section "The Way of Appearance/Opinion" (doxa)
2. Parmenides’ On Nature A poem , which introduced the entire work, A section "The Way of Truth" (aletheia ) A section "The Way of Appearance/Opinion" (doxa). Three Parts
上游充大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Three basic possibilities for thoughts Being is ©Non-Being is Both Being and non-Being are (Becoming is) How they actually make sense?
Being is Non-Being is Both Being and non-Being are (Becoming is) How they actually make sense? Three basic possibilities for thoughts
上游充通大兽 Non-Being SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Non-Being:impossible idea,unintelligible © S:"For the same thing is for thinking and being." Non-Being cannot be thought. S:"Gaze upon things,which although absent,are securely present in thought." Thinking is presencing, To think,is to think what is.(absence and presence) ©第一次提出了“思想与存在是同一的
Non-Being Non-Being: impossible idea, unintelligible S: “For the same thing is for thinking and being.” Non-Being cannot be thought. S: “Gaze upon things, which although absent, are securely present in thought.” Thinking is presencing, To think, is to think what is. (absence and presence) 第一次提出了“思想与存在是同一的