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中国地质大学:《构造地质学》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)Chapter 6 Fault basis

Main Bedding Types Bedding Shape level bedding ripple bedding Main Types of plate laminae



Tt Main Bedding Types. Bedding Shape level bedding ripple bedding 2 ain Iypes o f plate [3 amina Bedding wedge trough graded bedding

Main Types of Bedding level bedding ripple bedding cross -bedding graded bedding plate laminae wedge trough Main Bedding Types Bedding Shape

diastem E R paraconformity ° disconformity 二 M L K 又 unconformity H I Different Stratigraphic A D E F Break(from Roberts, 1982)

Different Stratigraphic Break(from Roberts,1982) diastem paracomformity disconformity unconformity

B水平面 B D Strike and dip of a plane Relationship between true dip(a) and Apparent dip(βorβ’) 水平线 水平线 A 水平线 re end plunge of a line ∠。直线的产状要素 Pitch and pitch direction A.箭头示倾伏向、y为倾伏角;B.水平线右端为侧伏向、θ为侧伏角 Zhu zhicheng et al./China University of Geosciences/

Zhu Zhicheng et al. [China University of Geosciences] Strike and dip of a plane Trend & plunge of a line Pitch and pitch direction Relationship between true dip() and Apparent dip( or )

APPARENT DIPANGLE CALCULATION Equation β= atan tan(o)cos(6) B=apparent dip angle, a= true dip angle, 8=angle between true and apparent dip direction

Equation:  = atan[tan()cos(d)] = apparent dip angle,  = true dip angle, d = angle between true and apparent dip direction.   d APPARENT DIP ANGLE CALCULATION

Bearing and azimuth Trend: the direction of a line in a horizontal plane, commonly specified by its bearing or azimuth Bearin azimuth NWNE 270 90 SW SE Trend: S30W rend:210180 Bearing: a horizontal angle measured east or west of true north or south Azimuth: a horizontal angle measured clockwise from the true nort

NE SE NW SW 0 270 90 Trend: S30W Trend: 210 180 Bearing Azimuth Bearing and Azimuth •Bearing: a horizontal angle measured east or west of true north or south. •Azimuth: a horizontal angle measured clockwise from the true north. •Trend: the direction of a line in a horizontal plane, commonly specified by its bearing or azimuth

strike lines horizontal pro ction (map) Structural contour 500m tourS ojection (map) B

Structural Contour

1:2000 LEGEND T2 limestone T T shale T? marl 27 B T g limestone sandstone W !I A-B SECTION E Red Water B 50 401 …T2…+40 20 20 10m 10m

marl shale sandstone limestone thin limestone Red A-B SECTION Red Water River LEGEND

k.conglomerate T。 mudstone K 10° 0y" 74 T: marl Jianfeng T: limestone P shale P P2 sandstone 100m Jianfen B E 200 200 150 150 K 100 100 50 T 50 P om

Jianfeng Jianfeng conglomerate mudstone marl limestone shale sandstone

Geological Map of Muy unling Area P,〓 □" 56 aral Septim fA-B从学Am 日县里壁宁


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