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Almost all research papers are expositions. The word exposition quite literally means to set forth a subject. It appeals to the understanding and it is the most common kind of writing, for it is applicable to any task that challenges the understanding--the definition of a word the way to a street address the structure of a plant, the mechanism of a watch, the cause of a historical event the meaning of a philosophy.

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIT NINE NTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PAPER WRITING LESSON ONE FUNDAMENTALS OF PAPER WRITING Almost all research papers are expositions. The word exposition quite literally means to set forth a subject. It appeals to the understanding and it is the most common kind of writing, for it is applicable to any task that challenges the understanding--the definition of a word, the way to a street address, the structure of a plant, the mechanism of a watch, the cause of a historical event the meaning of a philosophy. When we study the methods of exposition, we are not following an arbitrary scheme, we are following the ways in which we ordinarily observe and reason about our world. We are doing systematically something that ordinary living, in its hit-or-miss fashion, forces on us, quite naturally, all the time

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIT NINE INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PAPER WRITING LESSON ONE FUNDAMENTALS OF PAPER WRITING (I) Almost all research papers are expositions. The word exposition quite literally means to set forth a subject. It appeals to the understanding and it is the most common kind of writing, for it is applicable to any task that challenges the understanding--the definition of a word, the way to a street address, the structure of a plant, the mechanism of a watch, the cause of a historical event, the meaning of a philosophy. When we study the methods of exposition, we are not following an arbitrary scheme, we are following the ways in which we ordinarily observe and reason about our world. We are doing systematically something that ordinary living, in its hit-or-miss fashion, forces on us, quite naturally, all the time

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING a piece of exposition may be regarded as the answer to a question. If a specific question has been asked--"Why are you majoring in chemistry? or What were the causes of the American Revolution? " --it is rather easy to frame an answer that does not waver too badly from the point. The question controls the answer waver from偏离 In a discussion of any length we commonly find more than one question involved. There is the main question, which represents the main interest, but to get a satisfactory answer to that, perhaps other questions must be asked and answered along the way. So we encounter again the problems of unity and coherence

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING A piece of exposition may be regarded as the answer to a question. If a specific question has been asked--"Why are you majoring in chemistry? " or "What were the causes of the American Revolution?"--it is rather easy to frame an answer that does not waver too badly from the point. The question controls the answer. In a discussion of any length we commonly find more than one question involved. There is the main question, which represents the main interest, but to get a satisfactory answer to that, perhaps other questions must be asked and answered along the way. So we encounter again the problems of unity and coherence. waver from偏离

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The main question must govern the whole. And we may think of the answer to the main question as giving the proposition the thesis, the governing idea of the discussion. For instance, a historian, in answering the question Why did it occur? about the American Revolution, might come up with this answer to serve as his proposition: The causes of the American Revolution were primarily economic. "He might proceed to do a book offering a very elaborate analysis of the background of the event, but this proposition would control the whole book An example: thermomechanical treatment and precipitation hardening of a femnal alloy 热机的 ferrous manganic aluminium 铁锰铝合金

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The main question must govern the whole. And we may think of the answer to the main question as giving the proposition, the thesis, the governing idea of the discussion. For instance, a historian, in answering the question "Why did it occur?" about the American Revolution, might come up with this answer to serve as his proposition: "The causes of the American Revolution were primarily economic." He might proceed to do a book offering a very elaborate analysis of the background of the event, but this proposition would control the whole book. An example: thermomechanical treatment and precipitation hardening of a femnal alloy. ferrous manganic aluminium 铁锰铝合金 热机的

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Application of stainless steels, AISI 300 series, has been widely accepted in industry owing to their excellent combination of strength, ductility, toughness and corrosion resistance. However the alloying elements, nickel and chromium, contained in conventional stainless steels are strategically important and very expensive. In order to assure adequate supply of stainless steels in the future many studies have been done to explore the possibility of the substitution of manganese and aluminum for nickel and chromium. Though the FeMnAl system has attracted many intensive studies in recent years the data obtained are still far from complete. It is apparent that a lack of knowledge still exists concerning the mechanical behavior with respect to various hardening mechanisms including various aging temperatures and times, combination of strain hardening and aging, employment oI pre-aging in the thermomechanical processes and in particular the relationship between the microstructure and their resulting mechanical properties 热机的

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Application of stainless steels, AISI 300 series, has been widely accepted in industry owing to their excellent combination of strength, ductility, toughness and corrosion resistance. However the alloying elements, nickel and chromium, contained in conventional stainless steels are strategically important and very expensive. In order to assure adequate supply of stainless steels in the future many studies have been done to explore the possibility of the substitution of manganese and aluminum for nickel and chromium. Though the FeMnAl system has attracted many intensive studies in recent years; the data obtained are still far from complete. It is apparent that a lack of knowledge still exists concerning the mechanical behavior with respect to various hardening mechanisms including various aging temperatures and times, combination of strain hardening and aging, employment of pre-aging in the thermomechanical processes and in particular the relationship between the microstructure and their resulting mechanical properties. 热机的

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING In this excerpt the writer points out that a lack of knowledge still exists concerning the FeMnAl system. It is very likely that he will attempt to discuss his research in this field We shall now study the methods of exposition. comparison and contrast, illustration, classification, definition, and anal ysis. These are the ways in which we go about answering questions that demand exposition. But as we have pointed out above, this statement does not mean that there is a method to correspond to each question on our list Some methods may be used in answering more than one question, and the answer to a single question may sometimes be arrived at by a combination of methods

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING In this excerpt the writer points out that a lack of knowledge still exists concerning the FeMnAl system. It is very likely that he will attempt to discuss his research in this field. We shall now study the methods of exposition, comparison and contrast, illustration, classification, definition, and analysis. These are the ways in which we go about answering questions that demand exposition. But as we have pointed out above, this statement does not mean that there is a method to correspond to each question on our list. Some methods may be used in answering more than one question, and the answer to a single question may sometimes be arrived at by a combination of methods

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Almost any discourse--for example an editorial, an essay, a chapter in a textbook--will use more than one method. We rarely find a method in its pure state. But here, to understand the nature of each method we shall be concerned with relatively pure examples The First Method: Comparison and Contrast It is natural for us, in confronting an unfamiliar object, to set it against the familiar. We instinctively want to know in what ways it is like the familiar and in what ways different This is a simple, and essential, way of sorting out our experience of the world. As a child you naturally used the process, and as a student you have used it informally on examinations, in writing essays or in writing up reports for science experiments

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Almost any discourse--for example an editorial, an essay, a chapter in a textbook--will use more than one method. We rarely find a method in its pure state. But here, to understand the nature of each method, we shall be concerned with relatively pure examples. The First Method: Comparison and Contrast It is natural for us, in confronting an unfamiliar object, to set it against the familiar. We instinctively want to know in what ways it is like the familiar and in what ways different. This is a simple, and essential, way of sorting out our experience of the world. As a child you naturally used the process, and as a student you have used it informally on examinations, in writing essays or in writing up reports for science experiments

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The informal instinctive use of comparison and contrast is useful, but we can make the method infinitely more useful in thinking and expressing ourselves, if we are systematic To be systematic means to understand the kinds of purpose for which the first method may be made We may distinguish three types of purpose. First, we may wish to present information about one item and may do so by relating it to another item with which our readers are familiar. For example, if we wish to explain the heat treatment, we may do so by comparing it with cooking which changes the structure of food

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The informal instinctive use of comparison and contrast is useful, but we can make the method infinitely more useful in thinking and expressing ourselves, if we are systematic. To be systematic means to understand the kinds of purpose for which the first method may be made. We may distinguish three types of purpose. First, we may wish to present information about one item and may do so by relating it to another item with which our readers are familiar. For example, if we wish to explain the heat treatment, we may do so by comparing it with cooking, which changes the structure of food

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Second, we may wish to inform about both items, and proceed to do so by treating them in relation to some general principle, which would apply to both and with which our readers are presumably familiar. For example, if we are reviewing two novels. neither of which our audience is acquainted with. we may compare and contrast them by reference to what we assume our audience knows about the principles of fiction Third, we may compare and contrast items with which our readers are familiar for the purpose of informing about some general principle or idea. For instance if we want to give a notion of what metal is, we may compare and contrast several kinds, say iron, zinc, aluminum and manganese to show what elements they have in common. In ful filling this last purpose, we are, of course, using comparison and contrast as a way of proceeding from our examples to a general description of the class to which these examples belong

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Second, we may wish to inform about both items, and proceed to do so by treating them in relation to some general principle, which would apply to both and with which our readers are presumably familiar. For example, if we are reviewing two novels, neither of which our audience is acquainted with, we may compare and contrast them by reference to what we assume our audience knows about the principles of fiction. Third, we may compare and contrast items with which our readers are familiar for the purpose of informing about some general principle or idea. For instance if we want to give a notion of what metal is, we may compare and contrast several kinds, say iron, zinc, aluminum and manganese, to show what elements they have in common. In fulfilling this last purpose, we are, of course, using comparison and contrast as a way of proceeding from our examples to a general description of the class to which these examples belong

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING We have said that comparison, to be useful, must be systematic. To be systematic, a comparison or contrast must be between two or more items within a special area of interest-members, that is, of a group or class that is defined by a special interest brought to th material. Contrast, like comparison, is significant only when some common ground is recognized between the things contrasted-when they belong to the same significant class, the class depending upon the purpose of the contrast

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING We have said that comparison, to be useful, must be systematic. To be systematic, a comparison or contrast must be between two or more items within a special area of interest-members, that is, of a group or class that is defined by a special interest brought to the material. Contrast, like comparison, is significant only when some common ground is recognized between the things contrasted-when they belong to the same significant class, the class depending upon the purpose of the contrast

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLIAH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING As to using comparison and contrast in extended form, we find that there are, broadly speaking, four ways of presenting material By the first method, we may fully present one item and then fully present the other, making continuous reference to the points of comparison or contrast. This method is, in general, appropriate when the points to set against each other are fairly broad, and obvious. By the second method, we present a part of one item and then a part of the second in relation to the corresponding part of the first item, until we have touched on all relevant parts. When a great many details are invol ved, this method is likely to be more useful than the first. By the third method we present one item fully and then, in presenting the second, refer, part by part, to the first item. Finally, the fourth method generally involves a mixture of the three types we have just described Now let us observe the following two excerpts

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING As to using comparison and contrast in extended form, we find that there are, broadly speaking, four ways of presenting material. By the first method, we may fully present one item and then fully present the other, making continuous reference to the points of comparison or contrast. This method is, in general, appropriate when the points to set against each other are fairly broad, and obvious. By the second method, we present a part of one item and then a part of the second in relation to the corresponding part of the first item, until we have touched on all relevant parts. When a great many details are involved, this method is likely to be more useful than the first. By the third method, we present one item fully, and then, in presenting the second, refer, part by part, to the first item. Finally, the fourth method generally involves a mixture of the three types we have just described. Now let us observe the following two excerpts



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