然而,表妹环顾四周,却一脸迷茫,她所看到的只是一片森林。于是她问:”你要给我看的美景 和改观在哪 管他还没有把芒们真正建成,他却早已在心中构想好了。它们对他来说是如此真实具体 他很谅讶 仿佛它门已建成。 库柏在这里揭示了一种美国人独有的特征,即前瞻性:他们能够站在未来的高度来看现在的 切:摆脱过去束缚而更加心系未来。正如埃尔伯特·爱因斯坦曾言:“对美国人来说,生活总是进 取,而非守成。 ll.Translate the following text into English: 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道, 一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿 感打入冷宫, 十分有郁有郁不得志起界 个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴, 一时宾客 云集,笑语四溢。我在山坡的小屋里, 千世界, 自己的哥 克气泽消狱起窗角,规阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头, 片案华 也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。一篓时, 参考译文 Before I was taken ill,I had been a spoiled child of my parents,getting things my way in the family.On e isolated and confined to a small house on the sfavour and my gs chp one spring evening,wit the y gue d th la at and us world with elder br s and sisters only y cousins obemetbyagranpeionAatonceseeapyaoroomeagecnuaain amona the bursting into tears. 03 Version C-E Before I fell ill,I had been the bully under our roofs(in my family)owing to my doting parents. Feeling like being d osed into a cola palace,I began to t te the bit mess of dep sslon and ide in our d all without bei all re arden.and m elder sis ers and cousins each full of the ioys of spring were sbutling among the quests/helping treatchost the quests Quickly enough was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crving my heart out. 2004年英语专业八级考试-翻译部分参考译文 1.Translate the following underlined part of text into Chinese: For me the teresting thing about a solitary life be en that for the last tch the sur take a walk with read and listen tomsi with ,in happine long wit n fo back ho e perience that needs to be sorted out lot of people and talked a lot,and am full to the brim with Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty,and I wonder where my self is hiding.It lowly by watering the plants anc perhaps.by looking agaln aleac ne as It takes a while.as I watch the surt blowing up in fountains,but the moment comes when the world falls away,and the self emerges again from the deep unconscious,bring back all I have recently experenced to be explored and slowly understood. 然而,表妹环顾四周,却一脸迷茫,她所看到的只是一片森林。于是她问:"你要给我看的美景 和改观在哪里啊?"他很惊讶,她居然还不能心领神会。便回答说:"还问哪里?这不到处都是 嘛。"因为尽管他还没有把它们真正建成,他却早已在心中构想好了。它们对他来说是如此真实具体 仿佛它们早已建成。 库柏在这里揭示了一种美国人独有的特征,即前瞻性:他们能够站在未来的高度来看现在的一 切;摆脱过去束缚而更加心系未来。正如埃尔伯特·爱因斯坦曾言:"对美国人来说,生活总是进 取,而非守成。" II. Translate the following text into English: 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道,一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿 感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客 云集,笑语四溢。我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界,一片繁华,自己的哥 姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头, 禁不住痛哭起来。 参考译文: Before I was taken ill, I had been a spoiled child of my parents, getting things my way in the family. Once isolated and confined to a small house on the slope of the garden, I suddenly found myself in disfavour and my wings clipped. One spring evening, with myriads of flowers in full bloom in the garden, my parents held a garden party in honour of many guests, whose arrival at once filled the place with laughing chats. In the small house on the slope, I quietly lifted the curtain, only to be met by a great and prosperous world with my elder brothers and sisters and my cousins among the guests, all in jubilation. All at once, seized by a fit of forlorn rage, I could not help bursting into tears. 03 Version C-E Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs (in my family) owing to my doting parents. Feeling like being deposed into a cold palace, I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after I was segregated and confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden. On a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. In no time, crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there. I, without being noticed, lifted the curtain in my small room, only to spy the bustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden, and my elder sisters, brothers and cousins, each full of the joys of spring, were shuttling among the guests/helping treat(host) the guests . Quickly enough, I was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crying my heart out. 2004年英语专业八级考试-翻译部分参考译文 I. Translate the following underlined part of text into Chinese: For me the most interesting thing about a solitary life, and mine has been that for the last twenty years, is that it becomes increasingly rewarding. When I can wake up and watch the sun rise over the ocean, as I do most days, and know that I have an entire day ahead, uninterrupted, in which to write a few pages, take a walk with my dog, read and listen to music, I am flooded with happiness. I am lonely only when I am overtired , when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out. Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty, and I wonder where my self is hiding. It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants and, perhaps, by looking again at each one as though it were a person. It takes a while, as I watch the surf blowing up in fountains, but the moment comes when the world falls away, and the self emerges again from the deep unconscious, bring back all I have recently experienced to be explored and slowly understood
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