社会科学2010年第1期 Contents A bstructs Con tents Abstracts On Rational Path of Governance of the Mass Socil Iciden ts n Chna:Based on the Perspective of Public Reason Shi Yungui(3) Abstract A range ofmass social incidents have taken place frequently in recent years,exposing that there are serous problems in the govemment-dom inated govemance mode in China,especially in the grass-roots govemance mode.We should integrate the experiences from efficient responses to the mass incidents in all parts of China inb institutionalized fruit and by reflecting on the mass social incidents deeply,grope for the efficient path of preventing and decreasing the mass unexpected incidents in the view of system and mechanis of local govemance.The modem public govemance is the rational path dealing with the mass social incidents effic iently and constructing regional hamonious ociety.The demands of public reason ofpreventing and decreasing the mass ocial incidents are as the ollwings multple social subjects under the dom inance of govemments at all levels should particpate in the process of public govemance.Furthemore,based on public govemance,the "major-gvemance mode"characterizing the efficient cohesion and benign interaction among the lcal public govemance,cross-regional cooperative govemance among govemments,cooperative govemance beteen govemments and citizens,and citizen govemance,would be constructed active ly. Keyords:Mass Social Incidents Public Govemance;Public Reason On the Government's Effectiveness n the Process of Socil Transformation n Chna Chu Dejiang(11) Abstract The fom idability and comp lexity of the social translomation in contemporary China have set a higher demand on the govemment effectiveness However,it will be faced with severe challenges o mprove goverment's effectiveness in the social envirommentwhich is full of competitons and risks.At the same tme,as there are deviations and deficiencies in the govemment philsophy,the orientation of the govemment role,the capacities of the govemment,and the incentive mechanis in the real life,the Chinese govemment itself also has the problem of insufficient effectiveness.Under this situation,to promote the goverrment effectiveness gradually would inevitably be the only choice for the Chinese govemment in the era of social translomation. Keyords:Goverment's effectiveness Chinese govemment Social transfomation On Ethical Morality in Iternational Negotition:a Case of Series of Negotition n the Sno-US Rek tonship Defrostng Process Zhen Hua(21) Abstract In dipkmacy negotiations,ethical morality in intemational relations is often be used as a kind of negotiation chp.By using documents of the US'President Nixon,taking example of series of negtiations in the defiosting process of Sino-US relationshp,the essay makes a deep analysis on the effect of ethical morality in dip kmacy negotiations.It also discusses about the relation beween morality and power structure,relation beteen national culture and achievement of negptiation am.It puts owards the instnmental effect of morality in intemational negotiations and tries to deepen its operability. Keywords Intemational negptiation;Ethical morality,SinoUS relation defiosting negotiation 187 C 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved.http://www.cnki.net社会科学 2010年第 1期 Contents & Abstracts Contents & Abstracts On Ra tiona l Pa th of Governance of theM a ss Soc ia l Inc iden ts in Ch ina: Ba sed on the Perspective of Public Rea son Sh i Yungu i( 3 ) Abstract: A range ofmass social incidents have taken p lace frequently in recent years, exposing that there are serious p roblems in the government - dom inated governance mode in China, especially in the grass2roots governance mode1 W e should integrate the experiences from efficient responses to the mass incidents in all parts of China into institutionalized fruit; and by reflecting on the mass social incidents deep ly, grope for the efficient path of p reventing and decreasing the mass unexpected incidents in the view of system and mechanism of local governance1 The modern public governance is the rational path dealing with the mass social incidents efficiently and constructing regional harmonious society1 The demands of public reason of p reventing and decreasing the mass social incidents are as the followings: multip le social subjects under the dominance of governments at all levels should participate in the p rocess of public governance1 Furthermore, based on public governance, the“major2governance mode”characterizing the efficient cohesion and benign interaction among the local public governance, cross2regional cooperative governance among governments, cooperative governance between governments and citizens, and citizen governance, would be constructed actively1 Keywords: Mass Social Incidents; Public Governance; Public Reason On the Governm en t’s Effectiveness in the Process of Soc ia l Tran sforma tion in Ch ina Chu D e jiang( 11) Abstract: The form idability and comp lexity of the social transformation in contemporary China have set a higher demand on the government effectiveness1 However, it will be faced with severe challenges to imp rove government’s effectiveness in the social environmentwhich is full of competitions and risks1 A t the same time, as there are deviations and deficiencies in the government philosophy, the orientation of the government role, the capacities of the government, and the incentive mechanism in the real life, the Chinese government itself also has the p roblem of insufficient effectiveness1 Under this situation, to p romote the government effectiveness gradually would inevitably be the only choice for the Chinese government in the era of social transformation1 Keywords: Government’s effectiveness; Chinese government; Social transformation On Eth ica l M ora lity in In terna tiona l Negotia tion: a Ca se of Ser ies of Negotia tion in the S ino2US Rela tion sh ip D efrosting Process Zhen H ua ( 21) Abstract: In dip lomacy negotiations, ethicalmorality in international relations is often be used as a kind of negotiation chip1 By using documents of the US’President N ixon, taking examp le of series of negotiations in the defrosting p rocess of Sino2US relationship, the essay makes a deep analysis on the effect of ethical morality in dip lomacy negotiations1 It also discusses about the relation between morality and power structure, relation between national culture and achievement of negotiation aim1 It puts forwards the instrumental effect of morality in international negotiations and tries to deepen its operability1 Keywords: International negotiation; Ethical morality; Sino2US relation defrosting negotiation 187