《食品安全风险评估》课程教学大纲(2020级) 课程基本信息(Course Information) 课程代码(Course F0sT2401 学时(Credit Hours) 32 学分(Credits) 2 Code) 课程名称(Course(中文)食品安全风险评估 Name) ((英文)Risk Assessment o Food Safety 课程类型(Courso 专业选修课Elective course Type) 授课对(Targ 食品科学与工程专业本科生Undergraduae of Fod Engineering Audience) 授课语言 (Language of 中英双语Bilingual Chinese and English Instruction) *开课院系(School)农业与生物学院School of Agriculture and Biology 微生物学化学食品安全学 先修课程 盒品毒理学Microbiolog 后续课程 食品质量安全控制体系Control Syster Chemistry,Food Safety,Foo (post) ology 课程负责人 春 课程网址 (Course ttps://oc.situ.edu.cn/courses/30184 Prof.Shi Chunlei (中文300-500字,含课程性质、主要教学纳容、课程教学目标等) 此课程是食品科学与工程及相关专业的专业选修课 “食品安全风险评估”是以分析评估食品和食品添加剂中生物性、化学性和物理性危害对人体健 课程简介(中文) 康和食品留易可能造成的不息影响为主要内容的学型。过本课理的学习,使学生能理性地毛 各种食品安全危害因子,掌握危害因子与食品之间的关系,学会采取相应的 预防和补救措 来控制食品安全事故的发生,或者将事故的影响降到最低,以胜任今后在政府监管部门、食品 企业的管理和研发工作, (英文300-500字) for food and related majors ment on Fo ety is the main content of the analysis and eva “课程简介(英文) of and physical and food rade n food (Description) and food additives.Through learning this course.students can rationally understand all sorts of food safety hazards,grasp the relationship between risk factors and food,learn to take appropriate 课程目标与内容(Course objectives and contents) 《食品安全风险评估》课程教学大纲(2020 级) 课程基本信息(Course Information) 课程代码(Course Code) FOST2401 *学时(Credit Hours) 32 *学分(Credits) 2 *课程名称(Course Name) (中文)食品安全风险评估 (英文)Risk Assessment on Food Safety 课程类型 (Course Type) 专业选修课 Elective course 授课对象(Target Audience) 食品科学与工程专业本科生 Undergraduate of Food Science and Engineering 授课语言 (Language of Instruction) 中英双语 Bilingual Chinese and English *开课院系(School)农业与生物学院 School of Agriculture and Biology 先修课程 (Prerequisite) 微生物学、化学、食品安全学、 食品毒理学 Microbiology, Chemistry, Food Safety, Food toxicology 后续课程 (post) 食品质量安全控制体系 Control System on Food Quality and Safety *课程负责人 (Instructor) 施春雷 Prof. Shi Chunlei 课程网址 (Course Webpage) https://oc.sjtu.edu.cn/courses/30184 *课程简介(中文) (Description) (中文 300-500 字,含课程性质、主要教学内容、课程教学目标等) 此课程是食品科学与工程及相关专业的专业选修课。 “食品安全风险评估”是以分析评估食品和食品添加剂中生物性、化学性和物理性危害对人体健 康和食品贸易可能造成的不良影响为主要内容的学科。通过本课程的学习,使学生能理性地看 待各种食品安全危害因子,掌握危害因子与食品之间的关系,学会采取相应的预防和补救措施 来控制食品安全事故的发生,或者将事故的影响降到最低,以胜任今后在政府监管部门、食品 企业的管理和研发工作。 *课程简介(英文) (Description) (英文 300-500 字) This course is a selective course for food science and technology and related majors. Risk assessment on Food safety is the main content of the analysis and evaluation of the potential adverse effects of biological, chemical and physical hazards on human health and food trade in food and food additives. Through learning this course, students can rationally understand all sorts of food safety hazards, grasp the relationship between risk factors and food, learn to take appropriate preventive and remedial measures to control the occurrence of food safety incidents, or to minimize the effects of the accident, to perform in the future government agency and food industry. 课程目标与内容(Course objectives and contents)
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