Steps Aims Teacher's actions Students'activities 1.Greeting Students know the Present the teaching aims Prepare their learning aids objectives of this to students and give lesson. some learning methods 2.Warm-up Students have a general Show the picture on page Observe the picture and answer idea of the topic. 92 and ask 2 questions: these questions. 1)Where is he?2)What happened to him? 3.Lead-in Student know that it is Give the definition of 1)Take down notes. necessary to build a "structure"to students 2)Listen and think carefully. structure before and tell them the writing. importance of structure. 4. 1)Learn about the 1)Play the recording of 1)Read after the tape Pre-writing email on the text book the article 2)Extract the gist of each 2)Get the main idea of 2)Help students get the paragraph each paragraph:show main idea of each 3)Take notes about the different sympathy,list problems paragraph sentence patterns of each and comport, 3)List some sentence paragraph 3)Learn the sentence patterns of different 4)If it is possible,write down patterns Of each paragraphs. more sentence patterns. paragraph. 4) Summarize the structure of the letter of comfort 5 1)Apply what sentence 1)Show the writing that 1)Try to finish the writing as While-writing patterns they have the students are going to required learnt to the writing write today 2)Set a timer to limit the writing 2) Review the 2)Help students analyze time suggestions and the the structure. expressions in reading 3)List some supporting section,listening and details that they may be speaking section. used in the writing by reviewing reading, listening and speaking section. 4) Introduce the evaluation criteria of writing and remind students pay attention to the following points: task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range andSteps Aims Teacher’s actions Students’ activities 1. Greeting Students know the objectives of this lesson. Present the teaching aims to students and give some learning methods Prepare their learning aids 2. Warm-up Students have a general idea of the topic. Show the picture on page 92 and ask 2 questions: 1) Where is he? 2)What happened to him? Observe the picture and answer these questions. 3. Lead-in Student know that it is necessary to build a structure before writing. Give the definition of “structure” to students and tell them the importance of structure. 1) Take down notes. 2) Listen and think carefully. 4. Pre-writing 1) Learn about the email on the text book 2) Get the main idea of each paragraph: show sympathy, list problems and comport, 3) Learn the sentence patterns of each paragraph. 1) Play the recording of the article 2) Help students get the main idea of each paragraph 3) List some sentence patterns of different paragraphs. 4) Summarize the structure of the letter of comfort 1) Read after the tape 2) Extract the gist of each paragraph 3)Take notes about the different sentence patterns of each paragraph 4)If it is possible, write down more sentence patterns. 5. While-writing 1) Apply what sentence patterns they have learnt to the writing 2) Review the suggestions and the expressions in reading section, listening and speaking section. 1) Show the writing that the students are going to write today. 2)Help students analyze the structure. 3)List some supporting details that they may be used in the writing by reviewing reading, listening and speaking section. 4) Introduce the evaluation criteria of writing and remind students pay attention to the following points: task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and 1) Try to finish the writing as required 2) Set a timer to limit the writing time
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