序号 教学内容/教学环节 学生学习预期成果 授课方式及学时 支撑课程目标 projects 教学重点: 课堂讲授(6.5课时) Comparison between letter of credit and standby letter of credit: types of bank of quarantees. Features of intemational factoring and forfeiting; Financial services provided by financial institutions 教学难点: mastering the Financial services provided by financing techniques employed in 简学院 讨论(0.5课时) 主要教学内容: intemational trade 4 Bank /other financial including bank 目标2 institutions facilitation in 目标3 international trade 思政融合点: ntemational factoring Through the comparison the and forfaiting different payment methods. cultivating students'integ spirit and professional ethics as professionals engaged in international trade cultivating studentscareful and rigorous professional quality and team spirit in the process of completing aroup projects 教学重点: 小组项目(5课时) Invoice:Bill of Lading: Insurance Policy Certificate being capable of of Origin;Inspection Certificate 教学难点: the transaction of 目标3 Bill of Lading:Insurance ntemational trade Policy 主要教学内容: 13 序号 教学内容/教学环节 学生学习预期成果 授课方式及学时 支撑课程目标 projects 4 教学重点: Comparison between letter of credit and standby letter of credit; Essential elements and basic types of bank of guarantees; Features of international factoring and forfeiting; Financial services provided by financial institutions 教学难点: Financial services provided by financial institutions 主要教学内容: Bank /other financial institutions facilitation in international trade 思政融合点: Through the comparison the different payment methods, cultivating students' integrity spirit and professional ethics as professionals engaged in international trade cultivating students' careful and rigorous professional quality and team spirit in the process of completing group projects mastering the financing techniques employed in international trade, including bank guarantees, standby letter of credit, international factoring and forfaiting 课堂讲授(6.5 课时) 讨论(0.5 课时) 目标 2 目标 3 5 教学重点: Invoice;Bill of Lading; Insurance Policy ;Certificate of Origin; Inspection Certificate 教学难点: Bill of Lading; Insurance Policy 主要教学内容: being capable of employing the required documents in the transaction of international trade 小组项目(5 课时) 目标 1 目标 2 目标 3 上海电机学院商学院
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