序号 教学内容/教学环节 学生学习预期成果 授课方式及学时 支撑课程目标 教学重点: 课堂讲授(16课时) The procedures of the 案例教学(6课时) different types of the 小组项目(1课时) Collection procedures unde clean and documentary collection Maior types of documentary credit corresponding procedures The content of letter of credit Financing services provided under traditional international payment techniques 教学难点:The content of 简学院 letter of credit Possessing the Financing services s provided under traditional unds are transferred between any two international payment countries by meanings tachoiques 目标1 主要教学内容: fcertainfinancial instruments in the 图 Various traditional transaction of international payment techniques international trade, 思政融合点: Through making out the of credit. drafts under traditional ayment techniques,the case analysis of risks in collection and the examination and amendment of letters of credit,cultivating studentsintegrity spirit and professional ethics as professionals engaged in international trade; cultivating students'carefu and rigorous professional quality and team spirit in the process of completing group 女12 序号 教学内容/教学环节 学生学习预期成果 授课方式及学时 支撑课程目标 3 教学重点: The procedures of the different types of the remittance ; Collection procedures under clean and documentary collection ;Major types of documentary credit and corresponding procedures; The content of letter of credit Financing services provided under traditional international payment techniques 教学难点:The content of letter of credit Financing services provided under traditional international payment techniques 主要教学内容: Various traditional international payment techniques Negotiable instrument 思政融合点: Through making out the drafts under traditional international payment techniques, the case analysis of risks in collection and the examination and amendment of letters of credit, cultivating students' integrity spirit and professional ethics as professionals engaged in international trade; cultivating students' careful and rigorous professional quality and team spirit in the process of completing group Possessing the knowledge of how the funds are transferred between any two countries by meanings of certain financial instruments in the transaction of international trade, including remittance, collection, and letter of credit. 课堂讲授(16 课时) 案例教学(6 课时) 小组项目(1 课时) 目标 1 目标 2 目标 3 上海电机学院商学院
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