序号 教学内容/教学环节 学生学习预期成果 授课方式及学时 支撑课程目标 教学重点:History and 课堂讲授(1.5课时) evolution of international 讨论(0.5课时) payment methods;Players. financial intermediaries and their roles in interational Understanding History trade and evolution of 教学难点:无 intemational payment 主要教学内容:Overview of methods: rade financ Mastering players, financial students'ideals and beliefs intermediaries and alue political their roles in through the discussion ntemational trade (topicLaws and international customs and practice which elated to inter national trade) 教学重点: 课堂讲授(6课时) Essential items required in a 案例教学(1课时) bill of exchange:Acts 小组项目(2课时) associated with bill of exchange:Various classification of bill of exchange 教学难点: Essential bill of exchange 主要教学内容: mastering the Negotiable instrumer application of various 患政融合点: rough the ypes of negotiable 目标1 nstruments(B/E.P/N preparation of bill of and Cheque) exchange.cultivating studentsintegrity spirit and professional ethics as personnel engaged in international trade: and rigorous professional quality and team spirit in the process of completing group projects 11 序号 教学内容/教学环节 学生学习预期成果 授课方式及学时 支撑课程目标 1 教学重点:History and evolution of international payment methods;Players, financial intermediaries and their roles in international trade 教学难点:无 主要教学内容:Overview of international trade finance 思政融合点:Cultivating students' ideals and beliefs, value orientation, political belief and social responsibility through the discussion (topic:Laws and international customs and practice which are related to international trade) Understanding History and evolution of international payment methods; Mastering players, financial intermediaries and their roles in international trade 课堂讲授(1.5 课时) 讨论(0.5 课时) 目标 1 目标 2 目标 3 2 教学重点: Essential items required in a bill of exchange; Acts associated with bill of exchange; Various classification of bill of exchange 教学难点: Essential items required in a bill of exchange 主要教学内容: Negotiable instrument 思政融合点:Through the preparation of bill of exchange, cultivating students' integrity spirit and professional ethics as personnel engaged in international trade; cultivating students' careful and rigorous professional quality and team spirit in the process of completing group projects mastering the application of various types of negotiable instruments (B/E, P/N, and Cheque) 课堂讲授(6 课时) 案例教学(1 课时) 小组项目(2 课时) 目标 1 上海电机学院商学院
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