1.基本内容 1.1主题Door eloser,.are you? I.2阅读When enough is enough 1.3听说 2.基本要求 2.1 To grasp the structure and main idea of the text(This text pinpoints a weakness of human beings.As is evidenced by an experiment conducted by Dr.Ariely,it is hard for people to bear to see their options vanish.) 2.2To appreciate various writing skills the author used in the text(Cause and effect) 2.3Toapply the phrases and patterns(rival,imperial,territory,opponent,motivate,loyal, vessel,genius,conviction,validate,exception,veteran,,irrational investigate,marshal,behavioral,preserve,fluctuate,visual,cling,undereath,temporary,delegate, prejudice,be featured in,profit from.revolve around,come n handy,be exhausted from) 3.教学里点难点 3.l重点:the more.,the more.,pay a big price todosth,be measured in sth 32难点: 1)The next time sb.is doing sth,ask oneself the question:.Sb.or sth.is a rare exception to sb.else,who/that.Sb.would probably protest that.but according to sb.else,that isn't the true factor. 4.教学建议 4,1要求学生预习阅读材料,并就主题查阅相关资料。并就“多是否总比少好”这个话 题进行小组讨论且进行推荐小组成员一名在黑板上写出讨论的关键词和一名成员根据关键 词进行口头阐述。 42要求学生预听听力教学内容,并就相关主题与同伴进行口语练习。 4.3建议授课教师开展讨论式教学。 五、教学中应注意的问题 (一)以学生全面发展为核心,因时转变教学观念 纵观语言教学法的发展史,语言教学从十九世纪末前的语法翻译法经过了直接教学法、 听说法、情景教学法、认知法和二十世纪的交际教学法的发展。教学的焦点逐渐从结构性知 识的输入转变到对学生兴趣、认知能力和语言应用能力的培养,更加接近语言学习的终极目 1.基本内容 1.1 主题 Door closer, are you? 1.2 阅读 When enough is enough 1.3 听说 2.基本要求 2.1 To grasp the structure and main idea of the text(This text pinpoints a weakness of human beings. As is evidenced by an experiment conducted by Dr. Ariely, it is hard for people to bear to see their options vanish.) 2.2 To appreciate various writing skills the author used in the text (Cause and effect) 2.3 To apply the phrases and patterns(rival, imperial, territory, opponent, motivate, loyal, vessel, genius, conviction, validate, exception, veteran, conquest ,summit, enlighten, irrational, investigate, marshal, behavioral, preserve, fluctuate, visual, cling, underneath, temporary, delegate, prejudice, be featured in, profit from, revolve around, come in handy, be exhausted from) 3.教学重点难点 3.1 重点:the more..., the more.., pay a big price to do sth., be measured in sth. 3.2 难点: 1)The next time sb. is doing sth, ask oneself the question: …Sb. or sth. is a rare exception to sb. else, who / that…Sb. would probably protest that…, but according to sb. else, that isn’t the true factor. 4.教学建议 4.1 要求学生预习阅读材料,并就主题查阅相关资料。并就“多是否总比少好”这个话 题进行小组讨论且进行推荐小组成员一名在黑板上写出讨论的关键词和一名成员根据关键 词进行口头阐述。 4.2 要求学生预听听力教学内容,并就相关主题与同伴进行口语练习。 4.3 建议授课教师开展讨论式教学。 五、教学中应注意的问题 (一)以学生全面发展为核心,因时转变教学观念 纵观语言教学法的发展史,语言教学从十九世纪末前的语法翻译法经过了直接教学法、 听说法、情景教学法、认知法和二十世纪的交际教学法的发展。教学的焦点逐渐从结构性知 识的输入转变到对学生兴趣、认知能力和语言应用能力的培养,更加接近语言学习的终极目 13
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