Unit 205 The money game 1.基本内容 l.l主题:Spend money or save money l.2阅读:Spend or save-The student's dilemma 1.3听说:Health 2.基本要求 2.1To grasp the structure (introduction-analysis-conclusion)and main idea (paradox of tw opposite messages:spend money and save money)of the text, 2.2 To appreciate writing skills the author used in the text(paragraph writing:comparison and contrast,subject-by-subject pattern) the language points (manipulate,invade.contradict,paradox,perspective,defy. suspend,tackle,retain,derive,nourish,consult,cruise,urgent,explicit,take stock of,put off,at odds with,on track,take in,consult with,refer to,get in one's way,get into trouble,do one's utmost).) 3.教学重点难点 31重点: 1)Sentence structure:Here's another familiar example. It'sbeen calculated that As sb.learn to do sth.,sb.will do sth. 2)organize supporting ideas by comparison and contrast 32难点: 1)how to use subject-by subject patter in a comparison and contrast essay. 2)Translation(from Chinese to English) 4.散学建议 4.1要求学生预习阅读材料,查阅与主题有关的资料,在课堂上就“spend money or save mony”这个话题进行个人发言、二人讨论或小组辩论。 42要求学生尽量理解听力材料内容,模仿《听说教程》里的对话,并就相关主题与同 伴进行情景对话和口头交流。 43建议授课教师采用多媒体、探究式、交互式等多种教学手段 Unit 206 Less is more 12Unit 205 The money game 1.基本内容 1.1 主题:Spend money or save money 1.2 阅读:Spend or save---The student’s dilemma 1.3 听说:Health 2.基本要求 2.1 To grasp the structure (introduction-analysis-conclusion) and main idea (paradox of two opposite messages: spend money and save money) of the text; 2.2 To appreciate writing skills the author used in the text (paragraph writing: comparison and contrast, subject-by-subject pattern); 2.3 To master the language points (manipulate, invade, contradict, paradox, perspective, defy, suspend, tackle, retain, derive, nourish, consult, cruise, urgent, explicit; take stock of, put off, at odds with, on track, take in, consult with, refer to, get in one’s way, get into trouble, do one’s utmost.) 3. 教学重点难点 3.1 重点: 1)Sentence structure: Here’s another familiar example…, It’s been calculated that…, As sb. learn to do sth., sb. will do sth. 2) organize supporting ideas by comparison and contrast 3.2 难点: 1) how to use subject-by subject pattern in a comparison and contrast essay. 2) Translation (from Chinese to English) 4.教学建议 4.1 要求学生预习阅读材料,查阅与主题有关的资料,在课堂上就“spend money or save money”这个话题进行个人发言、二人讨论或小组辩论。 4.2 要求学生尽量理解听力材料内容,模仿《听说教程》里的对话,并就相关主题与同 伴进行情景对话和口头交流。 4.3 建议授课教师采用多媒体、探究式、交互式等多种教学手段。 Unit 206 Less is more 12
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