(1)Teaching method:Relevant concepts and theoretical framework,combined with typical drug examples. (2)Discussion method:Flipped classroom was encouraged. 5.教学评价 Take quick summary test,discuss with selected learning questions and frequently asked questions. 第三章0ne-Compartment0 pen Model:Intravenous Bolus Administration 1.教学目标 (1)Describe a one-compartmentmodel,IV bolus injection. (2)Provide the pharmacokineticterms that describe a onecompartment model,IV bolusinjection,and the underlyingassumptions. (3)Explain how drugs follow onecompartment kinetics usingdrug examples that follow onecompartment kinetics. (4)Calculate pharmacokineticparameters from drugconcentration-time data using aone-compartment model. (5)Calculate the IV bolus doseof a drug using the onecompartment model equation. 2.教学重难点 (1)The definition of pharmacokinetic compartment model,the significance of one compartment model for intravenous bolus administration. (2)The calculation of pharmacokinetic parameters. 3.教学内容 Elimination rate constant,apparent volume of distribution,clearance,clinical application,calculation of k from urinary excretion data.(1) Teaching method: Relevant concepts and theoretical framework, combined with typical drug examples. (2) Discussion method: Flipped classroom was encouraged. 5.教学评价 Take quick summary test, discuss with selected learning questions and frequently asked questions. 第三章 One-Compartment Open Model: Intravenous Bolus Administration 1.教学目标 (1) Describe a one-compartmentmodel, IV bolus injection. (2) Provide the pharmacokineticterms that describe a onecompartment model, IV bolusinjection, and the underlyingassumptions. (3) Explain how drugs follow onecompartment kinetics usingdrug examples that follow onecompartment kinetics. (4) Calculate pharmacokineticparameters from drugconcentration–time data using aone-compartment model. (5) Calculate the IV bolus doseof a drug using the onecompartment model equation. 2.教学重难点 (1) The definition of pharmacokinetic compartment model,the significance of one compartment model for intravenous bolus administration. (2) The calculation of pharmacokinetic parameters. 3.教学内容 Elimination rate constant, apparent volume of distribution, clearance, clinical application, calculation of k from urinary excretion data
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