夏洞 表6-1:希腊罗马主要神祇 说明:罗马万神殿内供奉的十二主神名单( Dii consentes) 圈园马 Jupiter Lord of the sky and supreme ruler of the gods 朱庇特 Known for throwing lightening bolts He Zeuss wife and sister. Protector of marriag 赫拉 朱诺 pent most of her time punishing the many women Zeus fell in love with. Likes cows and peacock Pose idon Neptune Ruler of the sea. Brother of Zeus. Carried a 波塞冬涅普顿 three-pronged spear known as a trident Daughter of Zeus alone. No mother. (? )She sprang Athena Minerva from his head full-grown and in full armor.Th 雅典娜 密涅瓦 protector of civilized life, handicrafts,and griculture. Invented the bridle, and first to tame the horse. Likes athens olives, and owls. Ares Mars God of war and son of Zeus and Hera. Likes 阿瑞斯 马尔斯 vultures and dogs Aphrodite Venus Daughter of Zeus. Goddess of Love and Beauty. 阿弟洛狄忒维纳斯 Likes the myrtle tree, doves, sparrows, and swans Son of Zeus. Master musician, archer god, healer, Apollo 阿波罗 阿波罗 god of light,, god of truth,, sun gor. a busy go who likes the laurel tree, dolphins, and crows Diana apollos twin sister and daughter of Zeus. Lady Artemis 阿尔忒弥斯狄安娜 of wild things and huntsman to the gods.As apollo is the Sun, Artemis is the moon Vulca Son of Hera, God of Fire. The only ugly and 赫准斯托斯5武尔坎 deformed,got. Makes armor and weapons forged Hestia Vesta A virgin goddess and sister of Zeus. No distinct 赫斯提亚维斯塔 personality or part in myths. oddess of the Hearth, the symbol of the home Hermes Mercury Son of Zeus. Wore wings on his sandals and his 赫耳墨斯墨丘利hat, thus was graceful and swift Demeter Ceres 得墨忒耳刻瑞斯 Goddess of grain. ③罗马帝国意识形态的集中体现 Ⅰ命运的嘱托 1.1-33(1-2): 埃涅阿斯来到拉维尼乌姆,为未来的罗马城邦奠定基础: 特洛伊人的后代必将打败朱诺最钟爱的迦太基人,统治辽阔国土 1.223-296(8-l1): 维纳斯十分同情特洛伊人的遭遇,朱庇特为她预言说:罗马人将重振特洛伊人 血统;拉维尼乌姆、阿尔巴·隆加和罗马城必将建立;罗马人将拥有在时空上 无限的统治权;对屋大维建立的“罗马和平”的歌颂。 2.268-297(36-37)夏洞奇:十五世纪以前的世界 9 表 6-1:希腊罗马主要神祇 说明:罗马万神殿内供奉的十二主神名单(Dii Consentes) 希腊 罗马 描述 Zeus 宙斯 Jupiter 朱庇特 Lord of the sky and supreme ruler of the gods. Known for throwing lightening bolts. Hera 赫拉 Juno 朱诺 Zeus's wife and sister. Protector of marriage, spent most of her time punishing the many women Zeus fell in love with. Likes cows and peacocks. Poseidon 波塞冬 Neptune 涅普顿 Ruler of the sea. Brother of Zeus. Carried a three-pronged spear known as a trident. Athena 雅典娜 Minerva 密涅瓦 Daughter of Zeus alone. No mother.(?) She sprang from his head full-grown and in full armor. The protector of civilized life, handicrafts, and agriculture. Invented the bridle, and first to tame the horse. Likes Athens, olives, and owls. Ares 阿瑞斯 Mars 马尔斯 God of war and son of Zeus and Hera. Likes vultures and dogs. Aphrodite 阿弗洛狄忒 Venus 维纳斯 Daughter of Zeus. Goddess of Love and Beauty. Likes the myrtle tree, doves, sparrows, and swans. Apollo 阿波罗 Apollo 阿波罗 Son of Zeus. Master musician, archer god, healer, god of light, god of truth, sun god. A busy god who likes the laurel tree, dolphins, and crows. Artemis 阿尔忒弥斯 Diana 狄安娜 Apollo's twin sister and daughter of Zeus. Lady of wild things and huntsman to the gods. As Apollo is the Sun, Artemis is the moon. Hephaestus 赫淮斯托斯 Vulcan 武尔坎 Son of Hera, God of Fire. The only ugly and deformed god. Makes armor and weapons forged under volcanoes. Hestia 赫斯提亚 Vesta 维斯塔 A virgin goddess and sister of Zeus. No distinct personality or part in myths. Goddess of the Hearth, the symbol of the home. Hermes 赫耳墨斯 Mercury 墨丘利 Son of Zeus. Wore wings on his sandals and his hat, thus was graceful and swift. Demeter 得墨忒耳 Ceres 刻瑞斯 Goddess of grain. ③罗马帝国意识形态的集中体现 I 命运的嘱托 1.1-33 (1-2): 埃涅阿斯来到拉维尼乌姆,为未来的罗马城邦奠定基础; 特洛伊人的后代必将打败朱诺最钟爱的迦太基人,统治辽阔国土。 1.223-296 (8-11): 维纳斯十分同情特洛伊人的遭遇,朱庇特为她预言说:罗马人将重振特洛伊人 血统;拉维尼乌姆、阿尔巴·隆加和罗马城必将建立;罗马人将拥有在时空上 无限的统治权;对屋大维建立的“罗马和平”的歌颂。 2.268-297 (36-37):
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