Because the choice is not imposed on the passengers but is made out of their own free will.And the choice is motivated by their education and experience in the tradition of democracy 67.to rush the hijackers:to make a swift,sudden attack or assault on the hijackers Para.28 68.It is a terrible irony.reached its apex. Why it is irony?It isan irony because the height of the ideal of Amer ican democracy is inked with the foreing of the ofa plane and the death of terrible irony because loss of human lives is involved 69.According to the writer,what was the battle cry? The battle cry was"we'll do something about it". 70.What do you think of the ending of the piece? as Burett as shining exampe to show that this is real American value.The spirit of the courage,the democratic decision all point to the qualities that make Americans American.In this way the article ends in a positive note,pointing out what Americans should do. VII.Supplementary reading material: Congressman:U.S.Intel Knew 9/11 Plotters 回mail this Storx Aug 10,12:57 AM (ET) By KIMBERLY HEFLING WASHINGTON (AP)-The Sept.11 commission will Google sponsored links identified ringleader Mohammed Atta and Milano Graduate School-MS three other hijackers as a likely part of an al-Qaida degrees for community cell more than a year before the hijackings but workplace change New didn't forward the information to law enforcement. School. www.newschool edu Rep.Curt Weldon,R-Pa.and vice chairman of the House Armed Services and Homeland Security New Non Profit Management committees.said tuesday the men were identified Stanfor in 1999 by a classified military intelligence unit Review Insight.Strategy,and known as"Able Danger."If true,that's an earlier Tools. link to al- than any previously disclosed intelligence about Atta Sent 11 commission co-chairman lee Hamilton said Tuesday that Weldon's informa on,which the con an said came fror multiple intelligence sources,warrants a review.He said he hoped the panel coul issue a statement on its findings by the end of the week. Because the choice is not imposed on the passengers but is made out of their own free will. And the choice is motivated by their education and experience in the tradition of democracy. 67. to rush the hijackers: to make a swift, sudden attack or assault on the hijackers. Para. 28 68. It is a terrible irony.reached its apex. Why it is irony? It is an irony because the height of the ideal of American democracy is linked with the forcing of the crash of a plane and the death of scores of people. It is a terrible irony because loss of human lives is involved. 69. According to the writer, what was the battle cry? The battle cry was “we’ll do something about it”. 70. What do you think of the ending of the piece? The writer uses what happened on Flight 93 and Thomas Burnett as shining examples to show that this is real American value. The spirit of selflessness, the courage, the democratic decision all point to the qualities that make Americans American. In this way the article ends in a positive note, pointing out what Americans should do. VII. Supplementary reading material: Congressman: U.S. Intel Knew 9/11 Plotters Email this Story Aug 10, 12:57 AM (ET) By KIMBERLY HEFLING WASHINGTON (AP) - The Sept. 11 commission will investigate a claim that U.S. defense intelligence of ficials identified ringleader Mohammed Atta and three other hijackers as a likely part of an al-Qaida cell more than a year before the hijackings but didn't forward the information to law enforcement. Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa. and vice chairman of the House Armed Services and Homeland Security committees, said Tuesday the men were identified in 1999 by a classified military intelligence unit known as "Able Danger." If true, that's an earlier link to al-Qaida than any previously disclosed intelligence about Atta. Sept. 11 commission co-chairman Lee Hamilton said Tuesday that Weldon's information, which the congressman said came f rom multiple intelligence sources, warrants a review. He said he hoped the panel could issue a statement on its findings by the end of the week. Google sponsored links Milano Graduate School - MS degrees for community and workplace change at New School. www.newschool.edu New Non Profit Management - Stanford Social Innovation Review Insight, Strategy, and Tools. www.ssireview.com
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