Abstract: Asset Securitization is not only an important innovation in global financial market, but also a driving force of US sub-prime crisis. Therefore, the studies on the experiences and lessons of US securitizat ions would help Chinese authority to promote asset securitizat ion actively and cautiously. This paper reviews the origins of Us asset securitization,introduces four stylized US securitization products, analyzes the major problems behind the development, predicts the future directions of US securitization, and summarized its enlightenment to Chinese asset securitization Key words: Asset Securitizat ion; Information Asymmetry; Rehypothecation; Conflicts of Interests 引言 2008年9月15日,雷曼兄弟公司破产,美国次贷危机演变成自大萧条以来全球 最严重的危机。众所周知,次级抵押贷款违约是这场危机的导火索,然而,危机爆发 前,美国次级抵押贷款余额仅占全部住房抵押贷款的12%,以及金融市场各项未清偿 债务余额的3%。为什么次级抵押贷款违约这一小小蚁穴能撼动全球金融市场这条千 里之堤呢?个中关键在于美国近四十年不断发展壮大的资产证券化(aset securitzation)业务。资产证券化改变了传统金融机构的经营模式,它在帮助金融机 构改善流动性、提高资产负债管理能力、扩大利润率的同时,也埋下了金融危机的种 子。资产证券化将信贷市场、货币市场和资本市场三个相对独立的金融市场联系了起 来,扩大了金融市场的系统性风险,一旦某处有风吹草动,其它市场就会风声鹤唳 ①王国刚:“资产证券化中的老问题和新问题”,《经济参考报》,2013年10月17日。2 Abstract: Asset Securitization is not only an important innovation in global financial market, but also a driving force of US sub-prime crisis. Therefore, the studies on the experiences and lessons of US securitizations would help Chinese authority to promote asset securitization actively and cautiously. This paper reviews the origins of US asset securitization, introduces four stylized US securitization products, analyzes the major problems behind the development, predicts the future directions of US securitization, and summarized its enlightenment to Chinese asset securitization. Key words: Asset Securitization; Information Asymmetry; Rehypothecation; Conflicts of Interests 引言 2008 年 9 月 15 日,雷曼兄弟公司破产,美国次贷危机演变成自大萧条以来全球 最严重的危机。众所周知,次级抵押贷款违约是这场危机的导火索,然而,危机爆发 前,美国次级抵押贷款余额仅占全部住房抵押贷款的 12%,以及金融市场各项未清偿 债务余额的 3% ①。为什么次级抵押贷款违约这一小小蚁穴能撼动全球金融市场这条千 里之堤呢? 个中关 键在于美 国近四 十年不断 发展壮 大的资产 证券化 (asset securitization)业务。资产证券化改变了传统金融机构的经营模式,它在帮助金融机 构改善流动性、提高资产负债管理能力、扩大利润率的同时,也埋下了金融危机的种 子。资产证券化将信贷市场、货币市场和资本市场三个相对独立的金融市场联系了起 来,扩大了金融市场的系统性风险,一旦某处有风吹草动,其它市场就会风声鹤唳。 ① 王国刚:“资产证券化中的老问题和新问题”,《经济参考报》,2013 年 10 月 17 日
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