《微积分11》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16073004 课程名称:微积分I1 英文名称:Caleulus II 课程类别:公共课 学 时:64 学 分:4 适用对象:创业教育学院本科生 考核方式:考试 先修课程:微积分】 二、课程简介 《微积分Ⅱ》是经济管理诸学科都需开设的一门重要的基础理论课程,也是硕士 研究生入学全国统一考试中数学科目中必考的数学课程之一。本课程主要内容包括: )一元函数积分学中的定积分内容;(②)多元函数微积分学;(3)无穷级数:(4)常微分方 程。该课程所体现的数量的变与不变的规律和关系、从具体概念抽象出来的公理化方 法、以及严谨的逻辑推证、巧妙的归纳综合等,对于强化学生的数学训练,培养学生 的逻辑推理和抽象思维能力、空间直观和想象能力具有重要的作用。另外作为一门重 要的方法和工具性课程,随着计算机及其应用技术的飞速发展,微积分这门课程的作 用与地位显得日益重要。另外它是线性代数、概率论与数理统计等后续课程的必要基 础。 Calculus II is the discipline of economics and management are required to set up ar important basic theoretical course,is also a graduate student entrance in the unified national examination mathematics subject in the study of one of the mathematics curriculum.The main contents of this course include:the integral content of the integral calculus of unitary functions:Multivariate function calculus.The infinite series:The ordinary differential equation.This course embodies the number of rules and relations of change and status quo, from the concrete concept of abstracting the axiomatic method,and the rigorous logic inferred.clever inductive synthesis.etc..to strengthen the students'mathematics training. cultivate students logical reasoning and intuitive and abstract thinking ability,space imagination ability plays an important role.With the rapid development of computer and its application technology,the role and status of the course are becoming more and more important.In addition,it is a necessary basis for the following courses of linear algebra.1 《微积分 II》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16073004 课程名称:微积分 II 英文名称: Calculus II 课程类别: 公共课 学 时: 64 学 分:4 适用对象: 创业教育学院本科生 考核方式:考试 先修课程:微积分 I 二、课程简介 《微积分 II》是经济管理诸学科都需开设的一门重要的基础理论课程,也是硕士 研究生入学全国统一考试中数学科目中必考的数学课程之一。本课程主要内容包括: ⑴一元函数积分学中的定积分内容;⑵多元函数微积分学;⑶无穷级数;⑷常微分方 程。该课程所体现的数量的变与不变的规律和关系、从具体概念抽象出来的公理化方 法、以及严谨的逻辑推证、巧妙的归纳综合等,对于强化学生的数学训练,培养学生 的逻辑推理和抽象思维能力、空间直观和想象能力具有重要的作用。另外作为一门重 要的方法和工具性课程,随着计算机及其应用技术的飞速发展,微积分这门课程的作 用与地位显得日益重要。另外它是线性代数、概率论与数理统计等后续课程的必要基 础。 Calculus II is the discipline of economics and management are required to set up an important basic theoretical course, is also a graduate student entrance in the unified national examination mathematics subject in the study of one of the mathematics curriculum. The main contents of this course include: the integral content of the integral calculus of unitary functions; Multivariate function calculus; The infinite series; The ordinary differential equation. This course embodies the number of rules and relations of change and status quo, from the concrete concept of abstracting the axiomatic method, and the rigorous logic inferred, clever inductive synthesis, etc., to strengthen the students' mathematics training, cultivate students' logical reasoning and intuitive and abstract thinking ability, space imagination ability plays an important role. With the rapid development of computer and its application technology, the role and status of the course are becoming more and more important. In addition, it is a necessary basis for the following courses of linear algebra
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