AAAA AAAAAAAA品AA风AAAA风AAAAAAAAA点A点AA 193 Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars INDO-CHINA CALENDAR National Offices INDO CHINA West CASS,c/o Helen Chauncey,Building 600T, In the Year Stanford,CA.94305 Midwest c/o Kenneth Ilazelton,400 Ford Ilall,Univ.of of the Ox... Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN.55455 973 East CCAS,c/o Jean Doyle,86 Elm St.,Somerville, MA.02144 Write the Stanford office for information the bombs continue to fall.In the Year of the Ox,Glad Day Press offers its 2nd calendar-uall hanging to number the days of the struggle.In 28 poster-sized pages,in more than 250 photographs and drawings.in poems,songs, stories and legends,the history of three peoples.Half of the Statement of Purpose proceeds to Medical Aid to Indochina:half to support the anti-war publishing activities of Glad Day Press.In the Year of the Ox. We first came together in opposition to the brutal aggression of the United States in Vietnam and to ● the complicity or silence of our profession with regard to that policy.Those in the field of Asian I enclose for copies of Indochina 1973 at $3.75 (includes 75d for postage and sturdy mailing tube). studics bear responsibility for the consequences of Use additional sheets for gift orders. their rescarch and the political posture of their Name profession.We are concerned about the present unwillingness of specialists to speak out against the Address implications of an Asian policy committed to ensur- City State Zip ing American domination of much of Asia.We reject the legitimacy of this aim,and artempt to change this policy.We recognize that the present HE GLAD D.AY PRESS structure of the profession has often perverted 308 Stewart tvenue scholarship and alienated many people in the ficld Ithace,\ew York 14850 The CCAAS secks to develop a humanc and knowl- edgeable understanding of Asian societies and their efforts to maintain cultural intcgrity and to con- front such problems as poverty,oppression,and imperialism.We realize that to be students of other peoples,we must first understand our relations to them. The CCAS wishes to create alternatives to the BACK ISSUES There are still back issues available of the following Bulletin prevailing trends in scholarship on Asia which too issues:11:3,11:4,11l:3-4,IV:1,and IV:2.Summer-Fall 1971 often spring from a parochial cultural perspective (111:3-4),which includes the CCAS research on Modern China and scrve sclfish interests and expansionism.Our Studies,is in particularly copious supply,and bulk orders will organization is designed to function as a catalyst,a be welcomed from CCAS chapters,bookstores,etc.for that communications nctwork for both Asian and West- issue. ern scholars,a provider of central resources for local chapters.and a community for the development of Other back issues of the Bulletin are now out of print.The anti-imperialist research. Bulletin will pay $1.50 each for copies of issue 1ll:1 (spring 1971). 11ss1.1krb2830,1969./iws1on1_A~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~AAAAAA~ ~ ~ · · ~ 19,0 ~ 3 INDO..CHINA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CALENDAR ~ ~ 4 ~ 4 · 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : In the Year E ~ ~ j ~ oftheOx··.E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ 4 the bombs continue to fa 11_ In the Year of the Ox, Glad ~ 4 ~ 4 Day Press offers its 2nd calendar-u'all hanging to number ~ ~ the days of the struggle. In 28 poster-sized pages, in more ~ ~ than 250 photographs and drawings, in poems, songs, ~ ~ stories and legends, the history of three peoples. Half of the ~ ~ proceeds to Medical Aid to Indochina; half to support the ~ ~ anti-war publishing activities of Ghld' Day Press, Tn the Year ~ • ~~ili. ~ ~ ~ 4~ • • • t~ 4 ~ : I enclose $ __ for __copie,; of Indochina 1973 at ~ ~ $3.75 (includes 7M for postage and sturdy mailing tube). ~ ~ Use additional sheets for gift orders, ~ · ~ ~ ~ Name ~ ~ Address ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ City Stale ____Zip ___ ~ ~ » ~ ~ ~ ~ ·~ ~ . • ~i- HE GU[) DAr PRE,..,·...,· t ~ f, ~ ~ 308 .\leK'art -l,'('nue ~ : Ilnu,'o. \"H' lilrli /.18:;0 ~ 4 ~ 4 ~ ~WWW't"~w't"""WW""W~":"'t""'"\,,~"W"WW"~WW' BACK ISSUES There are still back issues available of the following Bulletin issues: 11:3,11:4,111:3-4, IV:1, and IV:2. Summer-Fall 1971 (III :3-4), which includes the CCAS research on Modern China Studies, is in particularly copious supply, and bulk orders will be welcomed from CCAS chapters, bookstores, etc. for that issue. Other back issues of the Bulletin are now out of print. The Bul/~tin will pay $1.50 each for copies of issue III: 1 (spring 1971 ). Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars NatiollalOffices: West CASS, c/o Helen Chauncey, Building 600T, Stanford, CA. 94305 Midwest c/o Kenneth Hazelton, 400 Ford Hall, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 55455 East CCAS, c/o Jean Doyle, 86 Elm Sr., Somerville. MA.02144 Write the Stanford office for information Statement of Purpose We first came together in opposition to the brutal aggression of the United States in Vietnam and to the complicity or silence of our profession with regard to that policy. Those 10 the field of Asian studies bear responsibility for the consequences of their research and the political posture of their profession. We are concerned about the present unwillingness of specialists to speak out against the implications of an Asian policy committed to ensur￾ing American domination of mueh of Asia. We reject the legitimacy of this aim, and attempt to change this policy. We recognize that the present structure of the profession has often pen'erted scholarship :tnti alicnated man\' people in the field. The CC\S seeks to develop a humane and knowl￾edgeable understanding of Asian societies and their efforts to maintain cultural integrity and to con￾front such problems .is poverty, oppreSSion, and imperialism. We realize that to be students of other peoples. we mllst first understand our relations to tht'lTI, The CC\S \\'ishes to create alternatives to the prevailing trends 111 scholarship on Asia \\'hich too often spring from a parochial eultur,tl perspective and serve selfish interests and eXpanSlOl1lSm. Our organization is designed tn function as a catalyst, a communications network i'or both Asian and West￾ern scholars, a provider of central resources for local chapters, ,1l1d a community for the development of anti-imperia list research. IJ'.lsSL'd .II,/rd) 28-30, 1969. nos/oll/
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