Vol.4,No,4/December 1972 Contents The Editors 2 Introduction to Special Section on Imperialism in China Andrew J.Nathan 3 Imperialism's Effects on China Josepb Esberick 9 Harvard on China:The Apologetics of Imperialism Herbert P.Bix 17 Report from Japan 1972-Part 11 To Huu,Ho Chi Minb,Nguyen Kim Ngan,31 Vietnamese Poctry Truong Quoc Kbanb,Ly Pbuong Lien 37 Letter from the Philippines Usha Mabajani 41 Comment on Eqbal Ahmad's"Notes on South Asia in Crisis" 44 Cumulative Index,BCAS,1969-1972 [1:3-IV:4] 45 Communication Fred Branfman 46 Prospects for Vietnam After the Agreement Is Signed 48 Contributors Editors:Steve Andors Nina Adams Managing Editor:Jon Livingston Book Review Editor:Moss Roberts Staff:John Brockett Betsey Cobb Ed Hammond /Steve Hart Joe Huang Mary Ellen Quintana Editorial Board:Rod Aya Frank Baldwin Marianne Bastid Herbert Bix Helen Chauncey Noam Chomsky John Dower/Kathleen Gough Richard Kagan Huynh Kim Khanh/Perry Link Jonathan Mirsky Victor Nee Felicia Oldfather Gail Omvedt James Peck Franz Schurmann /Mark Selden Hari Sharma/ Yamashita Tatsuo General Correspondence:Bay Area Institute,604 Mission Street,room 1001,San Francisco,California 94105 Manuscripts:Steve Andors,P.O.Box 24,Minetto,N.Y. 13115,in three copies if possible Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars national office: Building 600T,Stanford,California 94305 Book Reviews:Moss Roberts,100 Bleecker St.,18-A,New York,N.Y.10012 Typesetting:Archetype,Berkeley Printing:UP Press,Redwood City Cover:Suzuki Akie BULLITIN ((ONCERNID)ASIAN SCHOLARS,December 1972,Volume 4,number 4.Published quarterly in spring, summer,fall,and winter.$6.00;student rate $4.00;library rate $10.00;foreign rates:$7.00;student rate $4.00.Jon Livingston, Publisher,604 Mission Street,room 1001,San Irancisco,California 94105.Second class postage paid at San Francisco, CaliforniaVol. 4, No.4 / December 1972 Contents The Editors 2 Andrew}. Nathan 3 Joseph Esherick 9 Herbert P. Bix 17 To Huu, Ho Chi Minh, Nguyen Kim Ngan, 31 Truong Quoc Khanh, Ly Phuong Lien 37 Usha Mahajani 41 44 45 Fred Branfman 46 48 General Correspondence: Bay Area Institute, 604 Mission Street, room 1001, San Francisco, California 94105 Manuscripts: Steve Andors, P.O. Box 24, Minetto, N.Y. 13115, in three copies if possible COlllmittee oj Concerned Asian Scholars national office: Building 600T, Stanford, California 94305 Rook Ueviews: Moss Roberts, 100 Bleecker St., I8-A, New York, N.Y. 10012 Typesetting: Archetype, Berkeley Printing: UP Press, Redwood City Cover: Suzuki Akie Introduction to Special Section on Imperialism in China Imperialism's Effects on China Harvard on China: The Apologetics of Imperialism Report from japan 1972-Part II Vietnamese Poetry Letter from the Philippines Comment on Eqbal Ahmad's "Notes on South Asia in Crisis" Cumulative Index, BCAS, 1969-1972 [I:3-IV:4) Communication Prospects for Vietnam After the Agreement Is Signed Contributors Editors: Steve Andors / Nina Adams Managing Edftor: Jon Livingston Book Review Editor: Moss Roberts Staff: john Brockett / Betsey Cobb / Ed Hammond I Steve Hart / joe Huang / Mary Ellen Quintana Editorial Board: Rod Aya / Frank Baldwin / Marianne Bastid / Herbert Bix / Helen Chauncey / Noam Chomsky / John Dower / Kathleen Gough / Richard Kagan / Huynh Kim Khanh / Perry Link / jonathan Mirsky / Victor Nee / Felicia Oldfather / Gail Omvedt / james Peck / Franz Schurmann / Mark Selden / Hari Sharma / Yamashita Tatsuo l RUUJTlI\' OF CONCt;UN/':[) 11.')/1\1\' .<'·CIIOLARS, December 1972, Volume 4, number 4. Published quarterly in spring, summer, fail, and winter. $6.00; student rate $4.00; library rate $10.00; foreign rates: $7.00; student rate $4.00. jon Livingston, I Publisher, 604 Mission Street, room 1001, San Francisco, California 94105. Second class postage paid at San Francisco, California. I
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