158.The reason_ we should study foreign language is very clear. Yeoenter that unversityyou get very igcrinthe examinations f.alth ough c.as d.unless 160.He is indifferen praise or blame a.from b.at c.for d.to 161.it seems much larger than the stars and about the same size as the sun. a.It is the moon so near the earth b.Despite the moon so near the earth in b.how c.when d .created 164 struck,a fork produces an almost pure tone.retaining its pitch over a long period of time a.When is it b.One is c.When it is d.Is one 165.We know that a bat can tell light from darkness,we do not know whether it can actually see anything a.as b.beca use c.but d.since 166cRespgtoiee2yaoelsoPnm6g _for those of animals. 90. rthermore c.as well as c in b.to the le c.the less ou will gain 168.The higher standard of living and the greater the national wealth,the a.greater is the amount of paper is used b.greater amount of paper is used C. amount of paper is used is greater d.greater the amount of paper used 169. the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator,the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west. e b.Ano That d.At e has Indian population ir U.S r th ed Rritis rd of th ad more than half b what a e half as e suffered in the war are d r 2.rays are able to pass through objec and thus make re than half as m impossible to observe a.it visible b.visibly c.visible d.they are visible 173. a TV set is in use in every home for about 6.5 hours each day. On the average c.The average that d.The average I percentage of he population is aware that incompany the directors hold only a e 75.There is a cal public c.typical a public d.public typical a bea a.brown b.big woolen brown c.woolen big brown d.big brown woolen 答案及讲解 151.(c. 152.(c) 153.(a).形容词后副词比较级可用much(不是more),stil,even,no,any,far,alot,a little,a great -样,但用法有异。deeply?常修饰过去分词和形容词,多半 前置;deep常与into连用,置于动词后作状语。 155.(d).根据限定词的词序规侧,both是前位限定词,必须放在其它限定词前面。 156.(c,.根据比较句中的名词位置规则,当比较结构中的more,less等词为限定词时,名词只能置于 比较结构中 间 157.(a).这里,动词belong后的介词应跟to。介词to放在关系代词前时也就,成了to which 158. The reason _ we should study foreign language is very clear. a. when b. who c. which d. why 159. You will never be able to enter that university _ you get very high scores in the examinations next month. a. if b. although c. as d. unless 160. He is indifferent _praise or blame. a. from b. at c. for d. to 161._it seems much larger than the stars and about the same size as the sun. a. It is the moon so near the earth b. Despite the moon so near the earth c. Because the moon is so near the earth d. The moon that is so near the earth 162. All gases and most liquids expand _ heated. a. in b. how c. when d. about 163._ goods and services are bought and sold, a market is created. a. Not only b. Whenever c. Those d. What 164. _ struck, a fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time. a. When is it b. One is c. When it is d. Is one 165. We know that a bat can tell light from darkness, _we do not know whether it can actually see anything. a. as b. because c. but d. since 166. Respiration is necessary for cells of plants _for those of animals. a. including b. furthermore c. as well as d. although 167. The more you fool around, _. a. in the less will you gain b. to the less you will gain c. the less you will gain d. you will gain less 168. The higher standard of living and the greater the national wealth, the_ a. greater is the amount of paper is used b. greater amount of paper is used c. amount of paper is used is greater d. greater the amount of paper used 169. _ the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west. a. Where b. And c. That d. At 170. Arizona State has _Indian population in the U.S. a. the largest b. the third largest c. the largest third d. a third of the largest 171. Since the war there have occurred on our British roads _casualties as we suffered in the war. a. more than half b. what are half as many c. half as many are d. more than half as many 172. X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus make _ details that are otherwise impossible to observe. a. it visible b. visibly c. visible d. they are visible 173. _, a TV set is in use in every home for about 6.5 hours each day. a. It is averaged b. On the average c. The average that d. The average 174 . What percentage of the population is aware that in _ company the directors hold only a small fraction of its shares? a. a public typical b. a typical public c. typical a public d. public typical a 175. There is a _ bear in the room. a. brown b. big woolen brown c. woolen big brown d. big brown woolen 答案及讲解 151. (c). 152. (c) 153. (a). 形容词后副词比较级可用much(不是more), still, even, no, any, far, a lot, a little, a great deal等表示程度的状语修饰。 154. (c). deep和deeply词性相同,意思一样,但用法有异。deeply常修饰过去分词和形容词,多半 前置;deep常与into连用,置于动词后作状语。 155. (d). 根据限定词的词序规则,both是前位限定词,必须放在其它限定词前面。 156. (c). 根据比较句中的名词位置规则,当比较结构中的more, less等词为限定词时,名词只能置于 比较结构中间。 157. (a). 这里,动词belong后的介词应跟to。介词to放在关系代词前时也就成了to which
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