The patient can walk freely now.(修饰动词) 那个病人现在可以自由行走了。 This book is very good.(修饰形容词 这本书非常好。 She sings quite wel.(修饰副词) 她的歌唱得非常好。 2有关副词的几,个问题 1)当几个副词同时出现在一个句子中时,它们一般的次序是: 表示方式的副词 表示地点的副词 表示时间的副词 (时间副词也可放于句首) 例如:He lived happily in Beijing for four decades. 方式地点时间 他在北京幸福地生活了40年。 当然,若为了强调,许多副词都可以移到句首。例如: Carefully the doctor examined his eyes. 那医生非常细心地检查了他的眼睛。 2)副词和形容词一样有比较级和最高级 比较级用于两者之间的比较;最高级用于三者以上的比较。例如: Tom works harder than Jack 汤姆比杰克工作努力些, rdest in his class 汤姆在他班上学习最刻苦」 练习: erest R 152.The pianos in the other shop are but A.cheaper.not as better B.more cheap.not as better C.cheaper.not as good D.more cheap.not as good 153.She does her work」 than her classmates. gently B. so more diligently Which of the C.He is dee hesrg 155.1sa the before epmog6yher ords a.the both other two girls b.the two other both girls c.the both two other girls d.both the other two girls 156.The director,who was promoted quite recently,did a.work more than anyone else b.more than anyone else work work more tha ore her mamriage.she had spent a considerable time in that very part of the co aei6Cenbwhheowheied.alwhehThe patient can walk freely now.(修饰动词) 那个病人现在可以自由行走了。 This book is very good.(修饰形容词) 这本书非常好。 She sings quite well.(修饰副词) 她的歌唱得非常好。 2·有关副词的几个问题 1) 当几个副词同时出现在一个句子中时,它们一般的次序是: 表示方式的副词 â 表示地点的副词 â 表示时间的副词 (时间副词也可放于句首) 例如:He lived happily in Beijing for four decades. 方式 地点 时间 他在北京幸福地生活了40年。 当然,若为了强调,许多副词都可以移到句首。例如: Carefully the doctor examined his eyes. 那医生非常细心地检查了他的眼睛。 2) 副词和形容词一样有比较级和最高级 比较级用于两者之间的比较;最高级用于三者以上的比较。例如: Tom works harder than Jack. 汤姆比杰克工作努力些。 Tom studies the hardest in his class. 汤姆在他班上学习最刻苦。 练习: 151. John has three brothers, Tom is the _ of the three. A. most cleverest B. more clever C. cleverest D. cleverer 152. The pianos in the other shop are _, but _. A. cheaper.not as better B. more cheap.not as better C. cheaper.not as good D. more cheap.not as good 153. She does her work _ than her classmates. A. far more diligently B. so more diligently C. such more diligently D. much more diligent 154. Which of the following is right? A. He is deep moved by her words. B. He is deep moving by her words. C. He is deeply moved by her words. D. He is deeply moving by her words. 155. I saw _ the day before yesterday. a. the both other two girls b. the two other both girls c. the both two other girls d. both the other two girls 156. The director, who was promoted quite recently, did _. a. work more than anyone else b. more than anyone else work c. more work than anyone else d. work more than anyone 157. Before her marriage, she had spent a considerable time in that very part of the country, _ she belonged. a. to which b. which c. to where d. at which
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