理性何以沦为权力的纯粹工 主义条件下的社会统治的批判。从这个角度看,《启蒙辩证法》是对马克思主义的社会批判学说的直接继承。 与马克思和卢卡奇一样,霍克海默和阿多诺的核心关注是现代社会中理性与权力之间的内在关联。马克思 和卢卡奇透过对理性与权力(资本)之间的内在关联的批判,揭示出资本主义的社会统治何以会获得普遍 的理性的形式。霍克海默和阿多诺的思考则更进了一步,他们明确指出自我保存理性本身(即形式理性) 并不足以保证资本主义条件下的社会统治必然采取普遍的形式。刚好相反,由于自我保存理性在根本上所 代表的只是自然的强制性,不是人的自由,当现代人之间的道德关系逐渐被瓦解之后,它可以轻易地被权 力所利用,成为直接统治的工具。从这个角度看,其自我保存理性批判学说在当前依然具有重要的现实意义 它在提醒我们,虽然在二战和冷战相继结束以后,极权主义的统治似乎退出了历史的舞台,但只要我们还 没能真正打开理性的另外一个维度,支撑起现代人之间的普遍自由关系,那么,极权主义统治的灾难就永 远是笼罩在人类上空的一片阴云。 与此相关,他们对实现理性自由的道路的思考也更进了一步。对于马克思和卢卡奇来说,无产阶级的 立场代表着对资本主义条件下的形式理性的超越,它意味着一种新的、有内容的理性(即能够真正包容每 个人的个体性的理性)的实现。霍克海默和阿多诺则强调,思想的最迫切任务不是通过革命去直接地实 现一种新的、总体性的理性,而是对自我保存理性(形式理性)本身进行反思,即思想的真正贡献就在于 这个否定的环节,它将带来对形式理性和社会权力之间的关系的改变。如果没有对这个否定的环节的顽强 守护,我们永远也无法打开理性的另一个维度。可以说,其自我保存理性批判学说与霍耐特等人后来的思 想努力之间也存在着内在的连续性:霍克海默和阿多诺批判自我保存理性,目的不在于否定理性的另一维 度(即那个能够支撑起人与人之间的普遍自由关系的理性),而恰恰在于呼唤启蒙理性的另一个维度。他们 之间的差别只在于,阿多诺认为我们只有通过否定才能让启蒙理性的这另一个维度得到呈现,而霍耐特则 坚定地主张走“内在的批判”( Immanent critique)的道路。 (责任编辑:盛丹艳) How Could Reason Have Been Degraded into the Pure Instrument of Power On the Critique of the Reason of Self-Preservation in Dialectic of Enlightenment Zhang Shuangli Abstract: In the Chinese acceptance of Horkheimer and Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment, the most difficult question has always been how to understand the concrete content and the important meaning of its criticism of the reason of self-preservation. In this paper, it is pointed out that the core of the whole criticism lies in the analysis of the inherent relationship between the reason of self-preservation and the modern social domination. About their criticism of the reason of self-preservation, this paper has particularly discussed the multiple dimensions of the reason of self-preservation, the inherent de fection of the reason of self-preservation and the different relations between it and the two different forms of social domination within the capitalist society. Based on this, it is argued that the main contribution of Dialectic of Enlightenment just lies in its deep insight about the mutual mediation of reason and power within the modern society. Through the critique of the reason of self-preservation, it has provided a very good perspective to understand how reason could have been degraded into the pure instrument of power Key word: the reason of self-preservation, social domination, power, nature 校 స໎ ЏНᴵӊϟⱘ⼒Ӯ㒳⊏ⱘᡍ߸DŽҢ䖭Ͼ㾦ᑺⳟˈljਃ㩭䕽䆕⊩NJᰃᇍ偀ܟᗱЏНⱘ⼒Ӯᡍ߸ᄺ䇈ⱘⳈ᥹㒻ᡓDŽ Ϣ偀ܟᗱ੠शव༛ϔḋˈ䳡ܟ⍋咬੠䰓໮䇎ⱘḌᖗ݇⊼ᰃ⦄ҷ⼒ӮЁ⧚ᗻϢᴗ࡯П䯈ⱘݙ݇೼㘨DŽ偀ܟᗱ ੠शव༛䗣䖛ᇍ⧚ᗻϢᴗ࡯ 䌘ᴀ П䯈ⱘݙ݇೼㘨ⱘᡍ߸ˈᧁ⼎ߎ䌘ᴀЏНⱘ⼒Ӯ㒳⊏ԩҹӮ㦋ᕫ᱂䘡 ⱘ⧚ᗻⱘᔶᓣDŽ䳡ܟ⍋咬੠䰓໮䇎ⱘᗱ㗗߭᳈䖯њϔℹˈҪӀᯢ⹂ᣛߎ㞾៥ֱᄬ⧚ᗻᴀ䑿˄ेᔶᓣ⧚ᗻ˅ ᑊϡ䎇ҹֱ䆕䌘ᴀЏНᴵӊϟⱘ⼒Ӯ㒳⊏ᖙ✊䞛প᱂䘡ⱘᔶᓣDŽ߮དⳌডˈ⬅Ѣ㞾៥ֱᄬ⧚ᗻ೼ḍᴀϞ᠔ ҷ㸼ⱘাᰃ㞾✊ⱘᔎࠊᗻˈϡᰃҎⱘ㞾⬅ˈᔧ⦄ҷҎП䯈ⱘ䘧ᖋ݇㋏䗤⏤㹿⪺㾷Пৢˈᅗৃҹ䕏ᯧഄ㹿ᴗ ࡯᠔߽ˈ⫼៤ЎⳈ᥹㒳⊏ⱘᎹ݋DŽҢ䖭Ͼ㾦ᑺⳟˈ݊㞾៥ֱᄬ⧚ᗻᡍ߸ᄺ䇈೼ᔧࠡձ✊݋᳝䞡㽕ⱘ⦄ᅲᛣНDŽ ᅗ೼ᦤ䝦៥Ӏˈ㱑✊೼Ѡ៬੠ދ៬Ⳍ㒻㒧ᴳҹৢˈᵕᴗЏНⱘ㒳⊏ԐТ䗔ߎњग़৆ⱘ㟲ৄˈԚা㽕៥Ӏ䖬 ≵㛑ⳳℷᠧᓔ⧚ᗻⱘ঺໪ϔϾ㓈ᑺˈᬃᩥ䍋⦄ҷҎП䯈ⱘ᱂䘡㞾⬅݇㋏ˈ䙷МˈᵕᴗЏН㒳⊏ⱘ♒䲒ህ∌ 䖰ᰃㄐ㔽೼Ҏ㉏Ϟぎⱘϔ⠛䰈ѥDŽ ϢℸⳌ݇ˈҪӀᇍᅲ⦄⧚ᗻ㞾⬅ⱘ䘧䏃ⱘᗱ㗗г᳈䖯њϔℹDŽᇍѢ偀ܟᗱ੠शव༛ᴹ䇈ˈ᮴ѻ䰊㑻ⱘ ゟഎҷ㸼ⴔᇍ䌘ᴀЏНᴵӊϟⱘᔶᓣ⧚ᗻⱘ䍙䍞ˈᅗᛣੇⴔϔ⾡ᮄⱘǃ᳝ݙᆍⱘ⧚ᗻ˄े㛑໳ⳳℷࣙᆍ↣ ϔϾҎⱘϾԧᗻⱘ⧚ᗻ˅ⱘᅲ⦄DŽ䳡ܟ⍋咬੠䰓໮䇎߭ᔎ䇗ˈᗱᛇⱘ᳔䖿ߛӏࡵϡᰃ䗮䖛䴽ੑএⳈ᥹ഄᅲ ⦄ϔ⾡ᮄⱘǃᘏԧᗻⱘ⧚ᗻˈ㗠ᰃᇍ㞾៥ֱᄬ⧚ᗻ˄ᔶᓣ⧚ᗻ˅ᴀ䑿䖯㸠ডᗱˈेᗱᛇⱘⳳℷ䋵⤂ህ೼Ѣ 䖭Ͼ৺ᅮⱘ⦃㡖ˈᅗᇚᏺᴹᇍᔶᓣ⧚ᗻ੠⼒Ӯᴗ࡯П䯈ⱘ݇㋏ⱘᬍবDŽབᵰ≵᳝ᇍ䖭Ͼ৺ᅮⱘ⦃㡖ⱘ乑ᔎ ᅜᡸˈ៥Ӏ∌䖰г᮴⊩ᠧᓔ⧚ᗻⱘ঺ϔϾ㓈ᑺDŽৃҹ䇈ˈ݊㞾៥ֱᄬ⧚ᗻᡍ߸ᄺ䇈Ϣ䳡㗤⡍ㄝҎৢᴹⱘᗱ ᛇ࡯ࡾП䯈гᄬ೼ⴔݙ೼ⱘ䖲㓁ᗻ ˖䳡ܟ⍋咬੠䰓໮䇎ᡍ߸㞾៥ֱᄬ⧚ᗻˈⳂⱘϡ೼Ѣ৺ᅮ⧚ᗻⱘ঺ϔ㓈 ᑺ˄े䙷Ͼ㛑໳ᬃᩥ䍋ҎϢҎП䯈ⱘ᱂䘡㞾⬅݇㋏ⱘ⧚ᗻ˅ˈ㗠ᙄᙄ೼Ѣ੐૸ਃ㩭⧚ᗻⱘ঺ϔϾ㓈ᑺDŽҪӀ П䯈ⱘᏂ߿া೼Ѣˈ䰓໮䇎䅸Ў៥Ӏা᳝䗮䖛৺ᅮᠡ㛑䅽ਃ㩭⧚ᗻⱘ䖭঺ϔϾ㓈ᑺᕫࠄਜ⦄ˈ㗠䳡㗤⡍߭ മᅮഄЏᓴ䍄Āݙ೼ⱘᡍ߸ā˄immanent critique˅ⱘ䘧䏃DŽ ď႓ఉΩހġಙӥཧĐ How Could Reason Have Been Degraded into the Pure Instrument of Power —— On the Critique of the Reason of Self-Preservation in Dialectic of Enlightenment Abstract: In the Chinese acceptance of Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment, the most difficult question has always been how to understand the concrete content and the important meaning of its criticism of the reason of self-preservation. In this paper, it is pointed out that the core of the whole criticism lies in the analysis of the inherent relationship between the reason of self-preservation and the modern social domination. About their criticism of the reason of self-preservation, this paper has particularly discussed the multiple dimensions of the reason of self-preservation, the inherent defection of the reason of self-preservation and the different relations between it and the two different forms of social domination within the capitalist society. Based on this, it is argued that the main contribution of Dialectic of Enlightenment just lies in its deep insight about the mutual mediation of reason and power within the modern society. Through the critique of the reason of self-preservation, it has provided a very good perspective to understand how reason could have been degraded into the pure instrument of power. Key word: the reason of self -preservation, social domination, power, nature Zhang Shuangli ㏎㾵⼯䄵㔺㸋㦉㑇⭥⪠⫃⹅㉀ᷠ
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