心血瘀阻stagnation of the heart-blood肝气郁结stagnation of the liver-Qi肝火上炎flamingup ofthe liver-fire肝阳上亢hyperactivity of the liver-Yangup-stirring of the liver肝风内动肾气不固unconsolidation ofkidney-Qi肾阴亏虚deficiency of the kidney-Yin肾阳不足deficiency of the kidney-Yang真热假寒证heat syndrome with pseudo-cold symptoms表实证exterior syndrome ofexcess type虚寒证cold syndrome of deficiency type未病先防preventive treatment of diseasecontrol of the developmentof an existing既病防变diseasetreatment aiming at the primary cause of治病求本disease正治法routine treatmenttreatment of cold-syndrome with hot-natured寒者热之drugstreatment of deficiency-syndrome by虚者补之reinforcement心血瘀阻 stagnation of the heart-blood 肝气郁结 stagnation of the liver-Qi 肝火上炎 flaming up of the liver-fire 肝阳上亢 hyperactivity of the liver-Yang 肝风内动 up-stirring of the liver 肾气不固 unconsolidation of kidney-Qi 肾阴亏虚 deficiency of the kidney-Yin 肾阳不足 deficiency of the kidney-Yang 真热假寒证 heat syndrome with pseudo-cold symptoms 表实证 exterior syndrome of excess type 虚寒证 cold syndrome of deficiency type 未病先防 preventive treatment of disease 既病防变 control of the development of an existing disease 治病求本 treatment aiming at the primary cause of disease 正治法 routine treatment 寒者热之 treatment of cold-syndrome with hot-natured drugs 虚者补之 treatment of deficiency-syndrome by reinforcement
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