反治法treatment contrary to the routinetreatment of pseudo-heat syndrome with热因热用drugs of hot naturetreatment of obstructive disease with tonic塞因塞用drugstreatment of discharging disease with通因通用purgatives急则治其标relievingthesecondaryinanurgentcase缓则治其本removingtheprimaryinachroniccasetreating the primary and the secondary标本兼治aspects at the same time扶正supporting vital Qi祛邪eliminating pathogens伤风common coldepidemic influenza流行性感冒流行性乙型脑炎epidemic encephalitis B流行性脑脊髓膜炎epidemic meningitis流行性腮腺炎epidemic parotitis百日咳whooping cough菌痫bacillary dysentery间日疮tertian malaria反治法 treatment contrary to the routine 热因热用 treatment of pseudo-heat syndrome with drugs of hot nature 塞因塞用 treatment of obstructive disease with tonic drugs 通因通用 treatment of discharging disease with purgatives 急则治其标 relieving the secondary in an urgent case 缓则治其本 removing the primary in a chronic case 标本兼治 treating the primary and the secondary aspects at the same time 扶正 supporting vital Qi 祛邪 eliminating pathogens 伤风 common cold 流行性感冒 epidemic influenza 流行性乙型脑炎 epidemic encephalitis B 流行性脑脊髓膜炎 epidemic meningitis 流行性腮腺炎 epidemic parotitis 百日咳 whooping cough 菌痢 bacillary dysentery 间日疟 tertian malaria
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