的知识和能力的整体结构的组成部分。对于培养具有综合性素质、创新意识、全面发展的 程技术应用型人才,是不可缺少的。 《工科化学》系统、简明地阐述化学学科的基本理论和基本知识。本课程全面体现化学 学科的特征:运用辨证唯物主义观点,贯彻理论联系实际原则,反映现代科学技术新成果 使学生掌握必需的化学学科的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,使学生能在工作和生活中以 化学的观点观察物质的变化,对涉及化学的各种实际问题有初步分析的能力。同时可以培养 工科学生正确的学习和思维方法,为树立辩证唯物主义世界观打下科学的基础。 《工科化学》课程的主要内容包括化学基本理论及化学应用两个部分。其中化学基本理 论涵盖化学反应的基本规律、溶液与离子平衡、氧化还原反应与电化学和物质结构基础四个 部分:后者包括金属元素与金属材料、化学与能源和化学与环境三个部分 (Engineering Chemistry is a basic course of natural science for the students in non chemistry and chemical engineering majors and is a compulsory course in major of mechanical design and manufacturing automation in University.It is a bridge between chemistry and engineering technology and is part of the overall structure of cultivating the modernized engineering and technical applied talent's knowledge and ability.It is indispensable for the of and technoloy applied talents who have the abilities of comprehensive quality,innovative awareness,and comprehensive development. The basic theory and knowledge of chemistry are introduced in this course and enable the students to master the basic theory,basic knowledge and basic skills of the essential chemistry which make the students observe the change of the matter in the view of Chemistry in their work and life and have the ability of analyzing various practical problems related to chemistry. The main contents of the course include two parts:the basic theory of chemistry and the application of chemistry.The basic law and theory of chemistry includes the basic law of chemical and ion balance,eletrochemical and redox reaction,the basic structure of the matter.the application of chemistry includes metal element and metal materials chemical and energy,chemical and environment of three parts. 《工程制图(1)(2)》 课程编号 0BL.01907-8 学分 总学时 80 实验/上机学时实验:0学时,上机:0学时 课程名称 工程制图(1)2) 英文名称 Engineering Graphics 机械设计制造及其自动化、车辆 课程类别 必修 适用专业 工程、机械电子工程、新能源科 学与工程8 的知识和能力的整体结构的组成部分。对于培养具有综合性素质、创新意识、全面发展的工 程技术应用型人才,是不可缺少的。 《工科化学》系统、简明地阐述化学学科的基本理论和基本知识。本课程全面体现化学 学科的特征:运用辨证唯物主义观点,贯彻理论联系实际原则,反映现代科学技术新成果, 使学生掌握必需的化学学科的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,使学生能在工作和生活中以 化学的观点观察物质的变化,对涉及化学的各种实际问题有初步分析的能力。同时可以培养 工科学生正确的学习和思维方法,为树立辩证唯物主义世界观打下科学的基础。 《工科化学》课程的主要内容包括化学基本理论及化学应用两个部分。其中化学基本理 论涵盖化学反应的基本规律、溶液与离子平衡、氧化还原反应与电化学和物质结构基础四个 部分;后者包括金属元素与金属材料、化学与能源和化学与环境三个部分 《 Engineering Chemistry 》 is a basic course of natural science for the students in non chemistry and chemical engineering majors and is a compulsory course in major of mechanical design and manufacturing automation in University. It is a bridge between chemistry and engineering technology and is part of the overall structure of cultivating the modernized engineering and technical applied talent's knowledge and ability. It is indispensable for the cultivation of engineering and technology applied talents who have the abilities of comprehensive quality, innovative awareness, and comprehensive development. The basic theory and knowledge of chemistry are introduced in this course and enable the students to master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills of the essential chemistry which make the students observe the change of the matter in the view of Chemistry in their work and life and have the ability of analyzing various practical problems related to chemistry. The main contents of the course include two parts: the basic theory of chemistry and the application of chemistry. The basic law and theory of chemistry includes the basic law of chemical reaction, solution and ion balance, electrochemical and redox reaction, the basic structure of the matter. the application of chemistry includes metal element and metal materials chemical and energy , chemical and environment of three parts. 《工程制图(1)(2)》 课程编号 0BL01907-8 学分 5 总学时 80 实验/上机学时 实验:0 学时,上机: 0 学时 课程名称 工程制图(1)(2) 英文名称 Engineering Graphics 课程类别 必修 适用专业 机械设计制造及其自动化、车辆 工程、机械电子工程、新能源科 学与工程
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