these ideas for real materials: 3.Explain the underlying ideas in real measurements and experimental techniques. 3)Corresponding relationship between curriculum objectives. graduation requirements and curriculum content Table I. Correspondence between course objectives,course contents and Course Corresponding course Corresponding ob jectives content graduation requirements Graduation requirement 3:understand the frontier and development of physics. the physical thought in Chapter 5 Order and new technology,and be magnetic structures familiar with the Course Chapter 6 Order and broker i回bact of new objective discoveries theories symmetry 1 and technologies in Chapter 8 Competing physics on society. interactions and low dimensionality Graduation requirements 8:have the awareness of independent learning and lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to the society. Graduation requiremen 2:master the basic knowledge,basic Chapter 1 Introduction physical experiment Chapter 2 Isolated magneti methods and Course experimental skills moments ob jective related to mathematics 2 Chapter 4 Interactions and physics,and have Chapter 5 Order and the ability to solve magnetic structures problems,explain or understand physical laws by using physical theories and methods.these ideas for real materials; 3. Explain the underlying ideas in real measurements and experimental techniques. 3) Corresponding relationship between curriculum objectives, graduation requirements and curriculum content Table I. Correspondence between course objectives, course contents and graduation requirements Course objectives Corresponding course content Corresponding graduation requirements Course objective 1 Chapter 5 Order and magnetic structures Chapter 6 Order and broken symmetry Chapter 8 Competing interactions and low dimensionality Graduation requirement 3: understand the frontier and development of physics, the physical thought in new technology, and be familiar with the impact of new discoveries, theories and technologies in physics on society. Graduation requirements 8: have the awareness of independent learning and lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to the society. Course objective 2 Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Isolated magnetic moments Chapter 4 Interactions Chapter 5 Order and magnetic structures Graduation requirement 2: master the basic knowledge, basic physical experiment methods and experimental skills related to mathematics and physics, and have the ability to solve problems, explain or understand physical laws by using physical theories and methods
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