Graduation requirements 8:have the awareness of independent learnin and lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to the society. Graduation requiremen 2:master the basic knowledge,basic physical experiment methods and experimental skills related to mathematics and physics,and hav the ability to solve problems,explain or Chapter 3 Environments understand physical Course Chapter 4 Interaction laws by using physical objective theories and methods Chapter 7 Magnetism in metals Graduation requirements 7:have the ability of sub iect research. Graduation requirements 8:have the awareness of independent learning and lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to the society. 1II.Contents Chapter One:Introduction 1.Teaching aims Understand the concept of magnetic moments: Graduation requirements 8: have the awareness of independent learning and lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to the society. Course objective 3 Chapter 3 Environments Chapter 4 Interaction Chapter 7 Magnetism in metals Graduation requirement 2: master the basic knowledge, basic physical experiment methods and experimental skills related to mathematics and physics, and have the ability to solve problems, explain or understand physical laws by using physical theories and methods. Graduation requirements 7: have the ability of subject research, design, data processing and academic exchange. Graduation requirements 8: have the awareness of independent learning and lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to the society. III. Contents Chapter One: Introduction 1. Teaching aims Understand the concept of magnetic moments;
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