Explain some facts about magnetic moments from elementary classical and quantum physics 2.Keypoints and Difficulties Keypoints:Magnetic moments Difficulties:The classical and quantum understanding of the magnetic moments 3.Contents 1.1 Magnetic moments 1.1.1 Magnetic moments and angular momentum 1.1.2 Precession 1.1.3 The Bohr magneton 1.1.4 Magnetization and field 1.2 Classical mechanics and magnetic moments 1.2.1 Canonical momentum 1.2.2 The Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem 1.3 Quantum mechanics of spin 1.3.1 Orbital and spin angular momentum 1.3.2 Pauli spin matrices and spinors 1.3.3 Raising and lowering operators 1.3.4 The coupling of two spins 4.Teaching method Teaching:Group Discussion:Autodidacticism under the guidance of the teacher 5.Comments Carefully prepare lessons,prepare students and make preparations before class:In the teaching process,we pay attention to cultivating students' creative thinking,take students as the main body and enhance students'sense of participation:Corresponding exercises and supplementary exercises after class. Problems: (1.1)Calculate the magnetic moment of an electron (with g=2).What is the Larmor precession frequency of this electron in a magnetic field of flux density 0.3 T?What is the difference in energy of the electron if its spinExplain some facts about magnetic moments from elementary classical and quantum physics 2. Keypoints and Difficulties Keypoints: Magnetic moments Difficulties: The classical and quantum understanding of the magnetic moments 3. Contents 1.1 Magnetic moments 1.1.1 Magnetic moments and angular momentum 1.1.2 Precession 1.1.3 The Bohr magneton 1.1.4 Magnetization and field 1.2 Classical mechanics and magnetic moments 1.2.1 Canonical momentum 1.2.2 The Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem 1.3 Quantum mechanics of spin 1.3.1 Orbital and spin angular momentum 1.3.2 Pauli spin matrices and spinors 1.3.3 Raising and lowering operators 1.3.4 The coupling of two spins 4.Teaching method Teaching; Group Discussion; Autodidacticism under the guidance of the teacher 5.Comments Carefully prepare lessons, prepare students and make preparations before class; In the teaching process, we pay attention to cultivating students' creative thinking, take students as the main body and enhance students' sense of participation; Corresponding exercises and supplementary exercises after class. Problems: (1.1) Calculate the magnetic moment of an electron (with g = 2). What is the Larmor precession frequency of this electron in a magnetic field of flux density 0.3 T? What is the difference in energy of the electron if its spin
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