课程名称: 专业: 班级: 教学体会 1.Let the students get to know some tactics for listening and leam to 教学 use them in listening comprehension 目的 2.To help the students improve their listening comprehension 教 Unit 7 Section One Tactics for listening Section Two Listening Comprehension 内容 Section Three Oral Work 1 Phonetics (Let the students pay special attention to the weak forms.link-ups and contractions) 2 Note taking 教学 (How to note down the long sentences while listening) 点、难点 及教学方 3.Listening Comprehension What do you think is unusual shop? Section Four Supplementary Exercises 作业、 思 What were your feelings on your first day to a new place? 考题( 论题)、阅 读材料 0 评比指标课堂纪律教室卫生学生考勤教学完成情况 后 优 良 教研室主任签字: 年 月日课程名称: 专业: 班级: 教研室主任签字: 年 月 日 教学体会 教 学 目 的 1. Let the students get to know some tactics for listening and learn to use them in listening comprehension. 2. To help the students improve their listening comprehension. 教 学 内 容 Unit 7 Section One Tactics for listening Section Two Listening Comprehension Section Three Oral Work 教学重 点、难点 及教学方 法 1. Phonetics (Let the students pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions) 2. Note taking (How to note down the long sentences while listening) 3. Listening Comprehension What do you think is unusual shop? 作业、思 考题(讨 论题)、阅 读材料 Section Four Supplementary Exercises What were your feelings on your first day to a new place? 课 后 记 评比指标 课堂纪律 教室卫生 学生考勤 教学完成情况 优 良
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