由于英语考试的又一次失利,她学英语的热情跌至零点 As a result of another failure in the English exam, her enthusiasm for English learning declined to zero 15).占去;解释 nt for (L. 41 人类的感情很复杂又很微妙,没有谁可以令人满意地解释它们。 Human feelings are so complex and subtle that no one can account for them in a satisfactory manner 16).走下坡路 to go down(L. 46) 那个国家的旅游业因为越来越多的恐怖袭击而急剧衰退 The tourist industry in that country went down sharply because of increasing terrorist attacks 7).创立这家公司 to launch the company(L.48) 推出这个新项目之前,该公司做了细致的市场调查 Before launching the new project, the company made a thorough investigation of the market ).迫使某人退出该行业 to chase sb. out of business(L. 54) 任何一家公司,如果其经营惟利是图、不顾道义的话,注定要从该行业中被挤出去。 Any company, if it is run with only profit in mind regardless of morality, is bound to be chased out of business 19).挤垮了国内一些种植商 to crush some domestic growers(L.55) 在精神重压之下,有些人被压垮,而有些人则鼓起勇气获得成功 Under heavy mental stress, some are crushed down while some gain courage to make a success 20).时来运转,交好运 to get a break(L.61) 珍惜你的大学生活,因为它极有可能是你人生的转机 Treasure your college life, for it is most likely to be a break in your life 21).靠别人的灾难来做生意 to operate a business on someone else's disaster(L 62) 把自己的幸福建立在别人的痛苦之上不仅不道德甚至还是一种罪恶。 It is not only immoral but even a crime to build one's happiness on someone else's misfortunes Typical patterns for the exposition of sb.'s way of doing sth. A: Sb.'s formula/recipe/prescription for(doing )sth is sth. else /to do sth else 某人做某事)的诀窍/秘诀是 (L.32) 应用:a.宽容、耐心和理解是她幸福婚姻的秘诀 应用:b.他生意场上成功的秘诀是:诚信为本,顾客至上。 B: Instead of doing sth. sb. tries to do sth. else 某人不是要做某事,而是千方百计/设法做别的事情。(L.55 (try: resolve /choose/plan/manage /decide 应用:a一个有良知的记者不是要掩盖真相,而是千方百计使之大白于天下。 应用:b.一个好母亲不是一味地迁就自己的孩子,而是设法让孩子明白是非曲直 C: As a replacement for sth /sb. lost, sb. (also)does sth. else 作为对失去的某物/某人的弥补,某人(也)做别的事。(L.59) 应用:作为对自己的儿子在成长过程中缺乏父爱的弥补,他对自己的孙子倾注了全部的爱。 ypical patterns for comparisons and contrasts A. For those who. . sth is more.. than sth. else. (L 3) 对那些……人来说,某事要比别的事更 应用:a.对那些从事管理工作的专业人士来说,与人共事的能力要比扎实的专业技术更重要。 应用:b对那些追求家庭生活温馨的人来说配偶的内在素质要比外表更可靠、更可取。 B. While sb. watches his business/career/study etc. bloom/thrive/boom/prosper etc, sb. el undergoing sth unfortunate/distressing etc 在某人目睹其生意/事业/学业等兴旺发达的同时,别人正在经历不幸的事情由于英语考试的又一次失利,她学英语的热情跌至零点。 As a result of another failure in the English exam, her enthusiasm for English learning declined to zero 15). 占去;解释 to account for (L. 41) 人类的感情很复杂又很微妙,没有谁可以令人满意地解释它们。 Human feelings are so complex and subtle that no one can account for them in a satisfactory manner. 16). 走下坡路 to go down (L. 46) 那个国家的旅游业因为越来越多的恐怖袭击而急剧衰退。 The tourist industry in that country went down sharply because of increasing terrorist attacks. 17). 创立这家公司 to launch the company (L. 48) 推出这个新项目之前,该公司做了细致的市场调查。 Before launching the new project, the company made a thorough investigation of the market. 18). 迫使某人退出该行业 to chase sb. out of business (L. 54 ) 任何一家公司,如果其经营惟利是图、不顾道义的话,注定要从该行业中被挤出去。 Any company, if it is run with only profit in mind regardless of morality, is bound to be chased out of business 19). 挤垮了国内一些种植商 to crush some domestic growers (L. 55) 在精神重压之下,有些人被压垮,而有些人则鼓起勇气获得成功。 Under heavy mental stress, some are crushed down while some gain courage to make a success 20). 时来运转,交好运 to get a break (L. 61) 珍惜你的大学生活,因为它极有可能是你人生的转机。 Treasure your college life, for it is most likely to be a break in your life. 21). 靠别人的灾难来做生意 to operate a business on someone else’s disaster (L. 62) 把自己的幸福建立在别人的痛苦之上不仅不道德甚至还是一种罪恶。 It is not only immoral but even a crime to build one’s happiness on someone else’s misfortunes Typical patterns for the exposition of sb.’s way of doing sth. A: Sb.’s formula / recipe / prescription for (doing) sth. is sth. else / to do sth. else. 某人做某事)的诀窍 / 秘诀是······ (L. 32) 应用:a.宽容、耐心和理解是她幸福婚姻的秘诀。 应用:b.他生意场上成功的秘诀是:诚信为本,顾客至上。 B: Instead of doing sth., sb. tries to do sth. else 某人不是要做某事,而是千方百计/设法做别的事情。 (L. 55) (try: resolve / choose / plan / manage / decide) 应用:a.一个有良知的记者不是要掩盖真相,而是千方百计使之大白于天下。 应用:b.一个好母亲不是一味地迁就自己的孩子,而是设法让孩子明白是非曲直。 C: As a replacement for sth./sb. lost, sb. (also) does sth. else. 作为对失去的某物/某人的弥补,某人(也)做别的事。(L. 59) 应用:作为对自己的儿子在成长过程中缺乏父爱的弥补,他对自己的孙子倾注了全部的爱。 Typical patterns for comparisons and contrasts A. For those who…, sth. is more…than sth. else. (L. 3) 对那些······人来说,某事要比别的事更······ 应用:a.对那些从事管理工作的专业人士来说,与人共事的能力要比扎实的专业技术更重要。 应用:b.对那些追求家庭生活温馨的人来说,配偶的内在素质要比外表更可靠、更可取。 B. While sb. watches his business/career/study etc. bloom/thrive/boom/prosper etc., sb. else is undergoing sth. unfortunate/distressing etc. (L. 38) 在某人目睹其生意/事业/学业等兴旺发达的同时,别人正在经历不幸的事情
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