CAPITVLVM SEPTIMVM CAP.VII Hic还可用作“here” Hic vivo,hic moriar here I live,here may I die.(vivo,vivere,vixi,victum 3 be alive,live; survive;morior,moriri,moritus sum 4dep die;) Hic multa sunt ova.(VI-B)There are many eggs here. 三、夺格(2):手段和工具夺格、伴随和方式夺格、时间夺格 1手段夺格或工具夺格 例句: Litteras stilo scripsit he wrote the letter with a pencil.(littera,litterae,letter:stilus,stili pencil Cives pecunia vicit he conquered the citizens with/by money.(civis civis citizen;vinco, vincere,vici,victum conguer) Id meis oculis vidi.I saw it with my own eves.(oculus,-i eye;meus,mea,meum 罗马人经常用“无介词夺格”来表达英语中需要用介词表达的想法。如第3讲 Sarcinae vino et ovis et oleo et unguento onerosae sunt.The sacks are heavy with wine and eggs and oil and perfume. 2伴随夺格和方式夺格 Cum amicis venerunt.They came with friends venio,vnere,veni,ventum) Id cum eis fecit.He did it with them.facio,facere,feci,factum 3/4) Id cum virtute fecit.He did it with courage.(virtus,-is 3 [f]) 以上夺格用法说明动作是通过什么手段或借助什么工具完成的、和谁一起完成的、使用 什么方式完成的。 在把英语翻译成拉丁语时需要注意:如果with指“和谁”(with whom)或“以何种方式” (in what manner),就使用cum+abl.如果with指“借助什么”(by means of what),就使用无 介词夺格。 3时间夺格:在何时、在何时内 表示一个事件发生“在何时”、“在何时内”,只需要将时间名词变为夺格,而不需要介词。 Die laboramus.(dies diei daylight.We are working in the daylight) Meridie non ambulo.(I do not walk at the noon) Hieme dies breves,aestate longi sunt.hiems,hiemis winter,aest-as,a'tis summer.In the winter,the day is short,in the summer,the day is long. 5CAPITVLVM SEPTIMVM CAP.VII Hic 还可用作“here ” Hic vivo, hic moriar here I live, here may I die. ( vivo, vivere, vixi, victum 3 be alive, live; survive; morior, moriri, moritus sum 4dep die; ) Hic multa sunt ova. (VI-B) There are many eggs here. 三、夺格(2): 手段和工具夺格、伴随和方式夺格、时间夺格 1 手段夺格或工具夺格 例句: Litteras stilo scripsit he wrote the letter with a pencil.(littera, litterae, letter; stilus,stili pencil ) Cives pecunia vicit he conquered the citizens with/by money.(civis civis citizen; vinco, vincere, vici, victum conquer) Id meis oculis vidi. I saw it with my own eyes.(oculus,-i eye; meus, mea, meum adj. my) 罗马人经常用“无介词夺格”来表达英语中需要用介词表达的想法。如第 3 讲 Sarcinae vino et ovis et oleo et unguento onerosae sunt. The sacks are heavy with wine and eggs and oil and perfume. 2 伴随夺格和方式夺格 Cum amicis venerunt. They came with friends ( venio, vnere, veni, ventum) Id cum eis fecit. He did it with them. ( facio, facere, feci, factum 3/4) Id cum virtute fecit. He did it with courage. (virtus, -is 3 [f]) 以上夺格用法说明动作是通过什么手段或借助什么工具完成的、和谁一起完成的、使用 什么方式完成的。 在把英语翻译成拉丁语时需要注意:如果 with 指“和谁”(with whom) 或“以何种方式” (in what manner),就使用 cum + abl. 如果 with 指“借助什么”(by means of what),就使用无 介词夺格。 3 时间夺格:在何时、在何时内 表示一个事件发生“在何时”、“在何时内”,只需要将时间名词变为夺格,而不需要介词。 Die laboramus.(dies,diei daylight. We are working in the daylight) Meridie non ambulo.(I do not walk at the noon) Hieme dies breves, aestate longi sunt. ( hiems, hiemis winter; aest-as, a’tis summer. In the winter, the day is short, in the summer, the day is long. ) 5