FULL CONTENTS References 827 Suggested Readings 828 Suggested Readings 903 36. Neural Regulation of the 40. Neuroendocrine Systems Cardiovascular System ANDREA C. GORE OHN LONGHURST The Hypothalamus Is a Neuroendocrine Organ 905 An Anatomical framework 829 Hypothalamic Releasing/Inhibiting Hormones and their Anatomy and Chemical Properties of Autonomic Targets 906 Pathways 834 The Hypothalamic-Adenohypophysial Neuroendocrine Network Generators 837 Systems 909 Short Term control mechanisms 838 The Hypothalamic-Neurohypophysial Systems 925 Reflex Control of the Cardiovascular System 838 Hormones and the brain 926 Arterial Baroreceptors 838 References 929 Peripheral Arterial Chemoreceptors 844 Cardiac Receptors 847 41. Circadian Timekeeping Abdominal Visceral Reflexes 849 DAVID R WEAVER AND STEVEN M. REPPERT References 852 Overview of the mammalian Circadian timing 37. Neural Control of breathing JACK L FELDMAN AND DONALD R MCCRIMMON The Suprachiasmatic Nuclei Are the Site of the Primary Circadian Pacemaker in Mammals 933 Early Neuroscience and the Brain Stem 85 A Hierarchy of Cell-Autonomous Circadian Central n stem and Breathing 856 Oscillators 934 Where are the Neurons Generating Respiratory The molecular Basis for Circadian Oscillation is a Pattern? 857 Transcriptional Feedback L Discharge Patterns of Respiratory Neurons 859 Circadian Photoreception 943 Where are the Neurons that generate the breathing Rhythm? 862 Diversity of Output Pathways Leading to Physiologi sory Inputs and Altered Breathing 865 Rhythms 950 Mechanoreceptors in the Lungs Adjust Breathing Pattern General Summary 955 and Initiate Protective Reflexes 867 References 956 dulation and Plasticity of Respiratory Motor Suggested Readings 957 Output 868 Suprapontine Structures and Breathing 870 42. Sleep, Dreaming, and Wakefulness EDWARD F. PACE-SCHOTT, J. ALLAN HOBSON AND ROBERT STICKGOLD Food Intake and metabolism The Two States of Sleep: Rapid Eye Movement and STEPHEN C. WOODS AND EDWARD M. STRICKER Nonrapid Eye Movement 959 Sleep in the modern era of Neuroscience 962 Caloric Homeostasis 873 Anatomy and Physiology of Brain Stem Regulatory Role of caloric Homeostasis in Control of Food Systems 965 Intake 875 Modeling the Control of Behavioral State 975 Central Control of food Intake 882 Sleep has Multiple Functions 980 Neuropeptides and the Control of Food Intake 884 References 888 ed Readings 888 Suggested readings 985 43. Reward, Motivation, and Addiction 39. Water Intake and Body fluids GEORGE F KOOB, BARRY J. EVERITT, AND EDWARD M. STRICKER AND JOSEPH G. VERBALIS TREVOR W. ROBBINS Body Fluid Physiology Reward and Motivation 987 smotic ho Addiction 999 References 1014xii FULL CONTENTS References 827 Suggested Readings 828 36. Neural Regulation of the Cardiovascular System JOHN LONGHURST An Anatomical Framework 829 Anatomy and Chemical Properties of Autonomic Pathways 834 Network Generators 837 Short-Term Control Mechanisms 838 Refl ex Control of the Cardiovascular System 838 Arterial Baroreceptors 838 Peripheral Arterial Chemoreceptors 844 Cardiac Receptors 847 Abdominal Visceral Refl exes 849 References 852 37. Neural Control of Breathing JACK L. FELDMAN AND DONALD R. MCCRIMMON Early Neuroscience and the Brain Stem 855 Central Nervous System and Breathing 856 Where are the Neurons Generating Respiratory Pattern? 857 Discharge Patterns of Respiratory Neurons 859 Where are the Neurons that Generate the Breathing Rhythm? 862 Sensory Inputs and Altered Breathing 865 Mechanoreceptors in the Lungs Adjust Breathing Pattern and Initiate Protective Refl exes 867 Modulation and Plasticity of Respiratory Motor Output 868 Suprapontine Structures and Breathing 870 References 872 38. Food Intake and Metabolism STEPHEN C. WOODS AND EDWARD M. STRICKER Caloric Homeostasis 873 Role of Caloric Homeostasis in Control of Food Intake 875 Central Control of Food Intake 882 Neuropeptides and the Control of Food Intake 884 References 888 Suggested Readings 888 39. Water Intake and Body Fluids EDWARD M. STRICKER AND JOSEPH G. VERBALIS Body Fluid Physiology 889 Osmotic Homeostasis 890 Volume Homeostasis 898 References 902 Suggested Readings 903 40. Neuroendocrine Systems ANDREA C. GORE The Hypothalamus Is a Neuroendocrine Organ 905 Hypothalamic Releasing/Inhibiting Hormones and their Targets 906 The Hypothalamic–Adenohypophysial Neuroendocrine Systems 909 The Hypothalamic-Neurohypophysial Systems 925 Hormones and the Brain 926 References 929 41. Circadian Timekeeping DAVID R. WEAVER AND STEVEN M. REPPERT Overview of the Mammalian Circadian Timing System 931 The Suprachiasmatic Nuclei Are the Site of the Primary Circadian Pacemaker in Mammals 933 A Hierarchy of Cell-Autonomous Circadian Oscillators 934 The Molecular Basis for Circadian Oscillation Is a Transcriptional Feedback Loop 936 Circadian Photoreception 943 Circadian Output Mechanisms 949 Diversity of Output Pathways Leading to Physiological Rhythms 950 General Summary 955 References 956 Suggested Readings 957 42. Sleep, Dreaming, and Wakefulness EDWARD F. PACE-SCHOTT, J. ALLAN HOBSON AND ROBERT STICKGOLD The Two States of Sleep: Rapid Eye Movement and Nonrapid Eye Movement 959 Sleep in the Modern Era of Neuroscience 962 Anatomy and Physiology of Brain Stem Regulatory Systems 965 Modeling the Control of Behavioral State 975 Sleep has Multiple Functions 980 References 982 Suggested Readings 985 43. Reward, Motivation, and Addiction GEORGE F. KOOB, BARRY J. EVERITT, AND TREVOR W. ROBBINS Reward and Motivation 987 Addiction 999 References 1014
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