FULL CONTENTS VII References 1110 BEHAVIORAL and COGnitive Suggested readings 1111 NEUROSCIENCE 48. Attention JOHN H. REYNOLDS, JACQUELINE P GOTTLIEB, AND SABINE KASTNER 44. Human Brain Evolution JON H. KAAS AND TODD M. PREUSS Introduction 1113 Varieties of atte Evolutionary and Comparative Principles 1019 Neglect Syndrome: A Deficit of Spatial Attention 1114 Evolution of Primate Brains 1027 Single Unit Recording Studies in Nonhuman Primates Why Brain Size Is Important 1034 Provide convergent evidence for a fronto-Parietal Conclusions 1036 Attentional Control System 1116 References 1037 Attention Affects Neural Activity in the Human Visual Suggested Readings 1037 Cortex in the presence and absence of visual Stimulation 1121 45. Cognitive Development and Aging Attention Increases Sensitivity and Boosts the Clarity of PETER R RAPP AND JOCELYNE BACHEVALIER Signals Generated by Neurons in Parts of the Visual System Devoted to Processing Information about velopme Objects 1122 Cognitive Development and Aging: A Life Span Attention Modulates Neural Responses in the Human 1043 ateral geniculate nucleus 1123 Pathological Processes In Cognitive Development and The Visual Search Paradigm has been Used to Study the Aging 1055 Role of Attention in Selecting Relevant Stimuli from eferences Within a Cluttered Visual Environment 1124 Suggested Readings 1066 Where Is the Computational Bottleneck as Revealed by ch Tasks? 1126 46. Visual Perception of Objects Neuronal Receptive Fields Are a Possible Neural Correlate of Limited Capacity 1126 LUIZ PESSOA. ROGER B H. TOOTELL. AND Competition Can Be Biased by Nonspatial LESLIE G. UNGERLEIDER Feedback 1127 Filtering of Unwanted Information in Humans 1129 The Problem of Object Recognition 1067 Conclusions 1130 Substrates for Object Perception and Recognition: Early References 1131 Evidence from Brain damage ted readings Visual Pathways for Object Processing in Nonhum Primates 1071 49. Learning and Memory: Basic Mechanisms Neuronal Properties Within the Object Recognition Pathway 1074 JOHN H. BYRNE Functional Neuroimaging and Electrophysiology of Object Recognition in Humans 1080 Paradigms have been Developed to Study Associative and Nonassociative Learning 1133 Perception and Recognition of Specific Classes of Invertebrate Studies: Key Insights From Aplysia Into Basic Objects 1083 Mechanisms of Learning 1134 Overall Summary 1088 Vertebrate Studies: Long-Term Potentiation 1140 References 1088 1089 Long-Term Depression 1148 Suggested Read How Does a Change in Synaptic Strength Store a Complex Memory? 1149 47. Spatial Cognition References 1151 CAROL L. COLBY AND CARL R. OLSON Suggested Readings 1152 Neural Systems for Spatial Cognition 1091 50. Learning and Memory: Brain Systems Parietal Cortex 1092 JOSEPH R MANNS AND HOW ARD EICHENBAUM Frontal cortex 1102 Hippocampus and Adjacent Cortex 1107 Introduction 1153 Spatial Cognition and Spatial Action 1109 Hi of meFULL CONTENTS xiii VII BEHAVIORAL and COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 44. Human Brain Evolution JON H. KAAS AND TODD M. PREUSS Evolutionary and Comparative Principles 1019 Evolution of Primate Brains 1027 Why Brain Size Is Important 1034 Conclusions 1036 References 1037 Suggested Readings 1037 45. Cognitive Development and Aging PETER R. RAPP AND JOCELYNE BACHEVALIER Brain Development 1039 Cognitive Development and Aging: A Life Span Perspective 1043 Pathological Processes In Cognitive Development and Aging 1055 References 1065 Suggested Readings 1066 46. Visual Perception of Objects LUIZ PESSOA, ROGER B. H. TOOTELL, AND LESLIE G. UNGERLEIDER The Problem of Object Recognition 1067 Substrates for Object Perception and Recognition: Early Evidence from Brain Damage 1068 Visual Pathways for Object Processing in Nonhuman Primates 1071 Neuronal Properties Within the Object Recognition Pathway 1074 Functional Neuroimaging and Electrophysiology of Object Recognition in Humans 1080 Perception and Recognition of Specifi c Classes of Objects 1083 Overall Summary 1088 References 1088 Suggested Readings 1089 47. Spatial Cognition CAROL L. COLBY AND CARL R. OLSON Neural Systems for Spatial Cognition 1091 Parietal Cortex 1092 Frontal Cortex 1102 Hippocampus and Adjacent Cortex 1107 Spatial Cognition and Spatial Action 1109 References 1110 Suggested Readings 1111 48. Attention JOHN H. REYNOLDS, JACQUELINE P. GOTTLIEB, AND SABINE KASTNER Introduction 1113 Varieties of Attention 1113 Neglect Syndrome: A Defi cit of Spatial Attention 1114 Single Unit Recording Studies in Nonhuman Primates Provide Convergent Evidence for A Fronto-Parietal Attentional Control System 1116 Attention Affects Neural Activity in the Human Visual Cortex in the Presence and Absence of Visual Stimulation 1121 Attention Increases Sensitivity and Boosts the Clarity of Signals Generated by Neurons in Parts of the Visual System Devoted to Processing Information about Objects 1122 Attention Modulates Neural Responses in the Human Lateral Geniculate Nucleus 1123 The Visual Search Paradigm has been Used to Study the Role of Attention in Selecting Relevant Stimuli from Within a Cluttered Visual Environment 1124 Where Is the Computational Bottleneck as Revealed by Search Tasks? 1126 Neuronal Receptive Fields Are a Possible Neural Correlate of Limited Capacity 1126 Competition Can Be Biased by Nonspatial Feedback 1127 Filtering of Unwanted Information in Humans 1129 Conclusions 1130 References 1131 Suggested Readings 1131 49. Learning and Memory: Basic Mechanisms JOHN H. BYRNE Paradigms have been Developed to Study Associative and Nonassociative Learning 1133 Invertebrate Studies: Key Insights From Aplysia Into Basic Mechanisms of Learning 1134 Vertebrate Studies: Long-Term Potentiation 1140 Long-Term Depression 1148 How Does a Change in Synaptic Strength Store a Complex Memory? 1149 References 1151 Suggested Readings 1152 50. Learning and Memory: Brain Systems JOSEPH R. MANNS AND HOWARD EICHENBAUM Introduction 1153 History of Memory Systems 1153
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