是他前天去的修理店。 It wasthe repair shop that he went to the day before yesterday..(强调宾语) 他前天去的是修理店。 It was the day before yesterday that he went to the repair shop.(强调时间状 语) 他是前天去的修理店。 Studying abroad affords the u p n about the country in which you are studying butalso to visit neighboring countries and to explore the idea ofa global community. 出国留学不仅为你提供了前所未有的机会来了解你留学的国度,而且有机会去游览与之毗 邻的国家并探寻全球一体化的观点。 这个句子中的"studying abroad affords the unparalleled opportunity”是主干部分. tonotonly learn aboutthe countryovisit neighboring countries"texplore the idea of a global community”三个部分是并列的,表示前面所说的“提供前所未有的机会”所能 做到的事情。"in which you are studying”是"country"的后置定语。 With all the benefits of experience comes maturity. 成熟也是留学带来的好处之一。 这是一个倒装句,"With all the benefits of experience'”作状语,正常的语序应该是 "Maturity comes with all the benefits of experience." 句型:状语+谓语动词+主语 前提:①状语为表示方位的副词.如there,.here,in,out,up,down,away等,且位于句 首 ②表示地点的介词短语位于句首。 Ahead sat an old man 一个老人坐在前面。 Before them lay miles of cotton fields. 他们面前是几英里的棉田。 Here comes our teacher. 是他前天去的修理店。 It was the repair shop that he went to the day before yesterday. (强调宾语) 他前天去的是修理店。 It was the day before yesterday that he went to the repair shop. (强调时间状 语) 他是前天去的修理店。 Studying abroad affords the unparalleled opportunity to not only learn about the country in which you are studying but also to visit neighboring countries and to explore the idea of a global community. 出国留学不仅为你提供了前所未有的机会来了解你留学的国度,而且有机会去游览与之毗 邻的国家并探寻全球一体化的观点。 这个句子中的“studying abroad affords the unparalleled opportunity”是主干部分, “to not only learn about the country”“to visit neighboring countries”与“to explore the idea of a global community”三个部分是并列的,表示前面所说的“提供前所未有的机会”所能 做到的事情。“in which you are studying”是“country”的后置定语。 With all the benefits of experience comes maturity. 成熟也是留学带来的好处之一。 这是一个倒装句,“With all the benefits of experience”作状语,正常的语序应该是 “Maturity comes with all the benefits of experience.”。 句型:状语+ 谓语动词+ 主语 前提:①状语为表示方位的副词,如 there, here, in, out, up, down, away 等,且位于句 首; ② 表示地点的介词短语位于句首。 Ahead sat an old man. 一个老人坐在前面。 Before them lay miles of cotton fields. 他们面前是几英里的棉田。 Here comes our teacher
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