我们老师来了。 【注意】:当主语为代词时,主语和谓语动词不倒装。 Away they went. 他离开了。 Here he comes. 他来了。 Beginning to learn about another culture and gain global perspective and understanding will inevitably be a difficult and challenging joumey. 开始了解另外一种文化、获得全面看问题的眼光和理解力将不可避免地是一个艰难而又富 有挑战的经历。 句子中的"Beginning tolearn about another culture and gain global perspective and understanding”为动名词短语作主语,其中"earn about another culture"与"gain global perspective and understanding”是并列的动词不定式短语。 Being invited to speak here is a great honor for me. 应邀到这里演讲对我来说是极大的荣幸。 105 passengers having been killed in the plane crash shocked the world. 105名乘客死于这次空难,这让世界感到震惊。 For thosestudents whostudied abroadto improve or develop foreign language skills, a foreign city,i 对于那些出国留学以提高和改进外语技能的学生来说.最直接地体验一种语言在外国 城市的街道上、在当地大学的课堂上或是跟当地的舍友一起居住 对他们的外语技能产 生了不可磨灭的影响。 在这个句子中,主干部分是“Experiencinga language firsthandmaden indelible impact on their foreign language skills."。其中,"experiencing a language firsthand"也是以动 名词短语的形式作为句子的主语。两个破折号中间的部分是对主语的补充说明,说明在什 么情况下可以“最直接地体验一种语言”。我们老师来了。 【注意】:当主语为代词时,主语和谓语动词不倒装。 Away they went. 他离开了。 Here he comes. 他来了。 Beginning to learn about another culture and gain global perspective and understanding will inevitably be a difficult and challenging journey. 开始了解另外一种文化、获得全面看问题的眼光和理解力将不可避免地是一个艰难而又富 有挑战的经历。 句子中的“Beginning to learn about another culture and gain global perspective and understanding”为动名词短语作主语,其中“learn about another culture”与“gain global perspective and understanding”是并列的动词不定式短语。 Being invited to speak here is a great honor for me. 应邀到这里演讲对我来说是极大的荣幸。 105 passengers having been killed in the plane crash shocked the world. 105 名乘客死于这次空难,这让世界感到震惊。 For those students who studied abroad to improve or develop foreign language skills, experiencing a language firsthand — in the streets of a foreign city, in a local university course or while living with local roommates — made an indelible impact on their foreign language skills. 对于那些出国留学以提高和改进外语技能的学生来说,最直接地体验一种语言——在外国 城市的街道上、在当地大学的课堂上或是跟当地的舍友一起居住——对他们的外语技能产 生了不可磨灭的影响。 在这个句子中,主干部分是“Experiencing a language firsthand made an indelible impact on their foreign language skills.”。其中,“experiencing a language firsthand”也是以动 名词短语的形式作为句子的主语,两个破折号中间的部分是对主语的补充说明,说明在什 么情况下可以“最直接地体验一种语言
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