Unit7 Living Abroad Important Words and.重点单词、短语 appreciate v. ①欣赏.重视 I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. 我认为小孩对现代图画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。 If you know something about the author's family background,you will appreciate the poem on an even profounder level. 如果你对作者的家庭背景有一些了解,你对这首诗的理解就会更加深刻。 ②感谢,感激,对…表示感激 We appreciate yourefforts for the development of the company. 我们感激你对公司发展所作的努力。 注意:如果其后跟动词,应该用动名词形式,即appreciate(ones)doingsth."。 We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我们恭候佳音。 convenience n.适合,方便;合适的时间,便利的事物 When and where will it suit your convenience for our next meeting? 你觉得我们下次方便在什么时间和地点见面呢? He will come here at his earliest convenience 他将在最方便的时候早日来访。 guarantee v.对…提出担保,约定,许诺 My watch is guaranteed for one year. 我的表保修一年。 Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. 许多店主都保证让顾客满意。 savor v.品尝,闻;十分欣赏,玩味或喜欢 I want to savor this great moment of accomplishment. Unit 7 Living Abroad Important Words and ... 重点单词、短语 appreciate v. ① 欣赏,重视 I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. 我认为小孩对现代图画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。 If you know something about the author's family background, you will appreciate the poem on an even profounder level. 如果你对作者的家庭背景有一些了解,你对这首诗的理解就会更加深刻。 ② 感谢,感激,对……表示感激 We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company. 我们感激你对公司发展所作的努力。 注意:如果其后跟动词,应该用动名词形式,即“appreciate(one's)doing sth.”。 We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我们恭候佳音。 convenience n. 适合,方便;合适的时间,便利的事物 When and where will it suit your convenience for our next meeting? 你觉得我们下次方便在什么时间和地点见面呢? He will come here at his earliest convenience. 他将在最方便的时候早日来访。 guarantee v. 对……提出担保,约定,许诺 My watch is guaranteed for one year. 我的表保修一年。 Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. 许多店主都保证让顾客满意。 savor v. 品尝,闻;十分欣赏,玩味或喜欢 I want to savor this great moment of accomplishment
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